Governor Godswill Akpabio has charged Christians in the country to - TopicsExpress


Governor Godswill Akpabio has charged Christians in the country to always have the heart of forgiveness towards one another because God is love. Akpabio gave the charge Sunday during the thanksgiving service of the 50th birthday celebration of the state Commissioner for Special Duties, Barr. Emmanuel Enoidem, with the theme, Celebrating Gods Exceeding Grace, at Power City International, Uyo, For those of us who are going somewhere in life, we must learn to forgive. We must always have the heart of forgiveness because God is love, and any position we find ourselves, we should always leave it better than when we met it. Congratulating the celebrator, he remarked, I thank God for the life of the celebrator, and we are all gathered here today to rejoice with him. The celebrator has a good heart, and he is a hardworking and very dedicated and a result-oriented personality. Through his education, light has come into his entire family because when God is in someone, he will always be lightened up in touching the lives of the people, which he has done through electricity and good road in his village. The Governor stressed that the leadership of government is in the power of Gods grace, and charged the people of the state that in any position they find themselves, they must always endeavor to leave it better than they met it. He then appreciated Senior Pastor Damina and wife of Power City International for being great spiritual mentors to the people of the state and called on the youths and members of the church to tap into the source of greatness and the blessings of the man of God. In his homily, Pastor Damina, who preached on the topic, The Supernatural Church, said the church of God was born supernatural since the days of Pentecost in the Bible, pointing out that the mission of God was for children of God to function in the supernatural, which he stressed that the supernatural signifies the realm of God. Damina said one couldnt function ordinarily in that realm if one is not born supernaturally, disclosing that with the corruption in the world, one can escape it when one have the nature of God and carries God on the inside, stressing that faith produce supernatural things and that every born again Christian is given a measure of faith. Enoidem, disclosed that the history of his life characterized by the exceeding grace of God, which he said he wasnt even qualified for, stressing that education is the bedrock for what he has now become in life and that his wife and family are the pillar and inspiration of his life. He commended Governor Akpabio for his developmental strides in the state, stressing that he is one of the great supporters of the Akpabios administration and pledged that he would continue to work with him as his Governor and when he becomes a Senator in the nearest future. Those also present at the event were the wife of the state Governor, Ekaette Unoma Akpabio, the state deputy Governor, Lady Valerie Ebe, the Secretary to the State Government, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, among others.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:41:42 +0000

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