Governor Rick Scott has said he supports Medicaid expansion, but - TopicsExpress


Governor Rick Scott has said he supports Medicaid expansion, but hes not fighting for it, and his inaction is leaving 763,000 Floridians without health care. We wont stand by silently. Can you lead a Health Care for All visibility event in Ormond Beach next Saturday, March 29? Lead a Gathering! The Obamacare enrollment deadline is coming up rapidly, and MoveOn members and allies have been working to make sure as many eligible people as possible sign up and receive the benefits of the Affordable Care Act. But enrollment is only half the fight to provide health care for all! There are still 25 states, including Florida, where Republicans have blocked Medicaid expansion—leaving nearly 5 million Americans without the health care coverage they were meant to receive with the passage of the Affordable Care Act. In Florida, Governor Rick Scott has said he supports Medicaid expansion, but hes not fighting for it, and his inaction is leaving 763,000 Floridians without health care. But MoveOn members and allies have been leading the charge to fight back—we wont be silent. Local media and elected officials will be paying close attention to what happens in the final days of Obamacare enrollment—making this a great moment to bring attention to the need to expand Medicaid in Florida and hold Gov. Scott and Republican legislators accountable. Thats why MoveOn members are gathering together for Health Care for All visibility events on Saturday, March 29, to call out Republican governors and legislators that are blocking health care. Well gather at shopping malls, post offices, coffee shops, movie theaters, and other high-traffic areas, getting drivers to honk their horns for Medicaid expansion and passing out flyers to draw the attention of voters and media to the fact that 763,000 Floridians are being denied health care coverage by Republicans. We can really make a splash if there are gatherings across the state. Can you host a Health Care for All visibility event in Ormond Beach next Saturday, March 29? Yes, Ill host a Health Care for All visibility event in Ormond Beach. Leading a visibility event is easy to do, and youll make a powerful impact when you add it to the hundreds of similar events happening on the same day across Florida and the country. Well provide all the materials and support youll need for a great event. By organizing an event, youre giving other MoveOn members the chance to make a difference. Visibility actions and flyering are the most basic forms of grassroots organizing. By waving signs for passing drivers and handing out flyers to pedestrians, well elevate the message of our campaign, shine the light on targets, and raise awareness that MoveOn members wont back down in the fight for Health Care for All. Can you amplify our message about Medicaid expansion and lead a gathering in Ormond Beach on Saturday, March 29? Yes, Ill host an action to spread the word that Gov. Scott is denying health care for 763,000 Floridians. Republicans in Congress have voted more than 50 times to repeal or weaken Obamacare. But some Republican governors, like Jan Brewer of Arizona and John Kasich of Ohio, have expanded Medicaid because it is the right thing to do for the people of their states. If Arizona and Ohio can do it, so can Florida. Thanks for all you do. –Mark, Matt P., Stefanie, Nick, and the rest of the team P.S. Looking for more information or have questions about hosting? Email [email protected].
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 00:07:30 +0000

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