Governor; this shut down has nothing to do with the [un]affordable - TopicsExpress


Governor; this shut down has nothing to do with the [un]affordable so called health care act. That was but another inheritance tax put upon the citizens by the rulers. This is now a dog fight among all of the rogues for $100T WE...... NEED A NEW ORDER! OBAMA (AKA STEVE DUNHAM, SON OF BARBARA BUSH) IS PISSED DUB YOU (GEORGE W BUSH) STACHED THE $100T HER.RODS-- CIA/FBI /DOJ...STOLE. NONE CAN BLAME W. OBAMA HAS MADE NO EFFORT TO BE ANY MORE HONEST. OBAMA MAKES NO EFFORT TO BE ANY MORE NOBLE. JAMES JONES REFUSES TO ACKNOWLEDGE NORTONS ER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUDED THE PPA James Jones scam was double identity fraud.Obama pretended to be Norton and Jones pretended to be Seer Rees In what now does Bob McDonnell believe? Bob does NOT need to accept anyones various cosmological apologetics. Bob doesnt even have time for such. HES BUSY HIDING JOE BIDENS SCAMS! Former Attorney General of Virginia, UNDER GOVERNOR TIM KAINE, who became OBAMAs dnc CHAIR for their continuation of JUDGE JAMES PARKER JONES SCAM (James Jones scam was double identity fraud.Obama pretended to be Norton and Jones pretended to be Seer Rees;) I should have included the fact that the bate stamped #s came from YOUR VA Board of Medical Examiners (Andria Christians) investigation with YOUR Assistent AG William Clay Garret of the lee case, US V NORTON and NORTON V US and the history of MY $600M OxyContin Resolution of October 22, 2006, (per bate stamp pages 000150 and 000151,) with US Attorney John Brownlee. Governments debriefing of Mr Davis was not bate stamped, but the corresponding numbers were present on the titled MEMORANDUM. HOVEVER, I will continue with the federal bate stamped evidence ILLEGALLY withheld from my pretrial discovery, encumbering me from presenting my affirmative defense that existed in FACT AND LAW, prior to the trial. It is unforntunate that even in this very instant, some are paid to monitor and CENOR me and ENCUMBER me as I actually write these things of documented discoveries (while quoting from the governments and courts own very documents,) now on this post. https://facebook/bob.mcdonnell.10?fref=ts --- FED BATE STAMPED PAGE LCCH OO2471 (000090) From Lori Livesays own handwritten notes, archived from BD of Directors Octobter 28, 1998 []WAS NOT TAPED[] []PRESENTATION W. CHALLEN WALLING[] [(CHALLEN WALLING WAS JAMES PARKER JONES FORMER PARTNER)] --- FED BATE STAMP PAGE LCCH 002474 (000093) []Motion D Hartley to have auditors perform complete focused audit of PA[] passed unaminously-- [(PA=Physician Access, the center in which Davis acted as front office and general manager, as disclosed to LCCH BOARD CHAIR Dr. Roy Shelburne, in 1994; and at that time, he gave his vervbal consent to go ahead with the project. Even James Parker Jones acknowledged 0 loss. Judge James Jones, after reading the claims of AUSA Bondurant in the PreSentencing Investigaion (PSI,) and the rebuttal, as submitted by my former wife, Cindy Norton (BECAUSE USA HEAPHYS FORMER PARTNERS AT THE FIRM, MCGUIRE WOODS, REFUSED TO ASSIST IN ANY REBUTTAL--BUT THEN, DID RETYPE AND SUBMIT AFTER REDACTIONS FROM HERS, CINDY NORTONS. JUDGE JONES DID ACCEPT CINDYS REBUTTAL AS WELL AS COURT RECORD. NO MENTION BY AUSA BONDURANT AT THE TRIAL WAS EVER PRESENTED OF DAVIS INPUT IN THE SECOND PROJECT AT PA, BY THE PROSECUTOR (OR MY ATTORNEYS!.) NORTON OBTAINED AN ORAL QUOTE OF $250K TO ESTABLISH THE RURAL HEALTH CARE CENTER IN DUFFIELD AND DAVIS (WHO BROUGHT THAT PROJECT TO NORTON, OFFERED TO DEVELOP AND MANAGE IT FOR 30% OF THE NET PROFITS.) TO ANY THAT ARE FAMILIAR WITH HEALTH CARE, THAT IS A VERY GOOD DEAL. THERE IS USUALLY 0 REMAINING AFTER EXPENSES AND SALARIES. PA HAD OVER $2.5M IN AR IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR OF SEPARATE OPERATIONS FROM LCCH, BEFORE I WAS WRONGLY FORCED TO REPORT TO PRISON, EVEN AFTER NEWT GINGRICHS 97 OMNIBUS BILL CUT REIMBURSEMENTS IN HALF--(WHILE I WAS PERSONALLY USING THE SAME SALARY I HAD AGREED UPON WITH WITH LCCH BEFORE ANY OF THOSE CUTS. CASE RECORDS REVEAL THAT THE HEALTH INSURANCE CARTEL BEGAN THEN STEALING EVERYTHING! AS THE GOVERNMENTS OWN HEALTHCARE EXPERT WITNESS AT TRIAL, BRUCE MCKEE, WHO ALSO PERFORMED DIFFERENT CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ME, SIGNED AN AFFIDAVIT, ACKNOWLEDGED TO WILLIAM STONES BANKRUPTCY COURT DURING THE $45M QUI TAM AGAINST ME, IN WHICH I PREVAILED; HE, MCKEE, WAS PREPARED TO TESTIFY AS TO THE REASONABLENESS OF THE AGREEMENT BUT MY ATTORNEYS NEVER QUESTIONED CONCERNING SUCH. --- FED BATE STAMPED LCCH 002478 (000097) DESTROY TAPES --has not been done- D Hartley requested tape be kept when auditors presented report re [doctor] []Hayes[] practice to prove JD did not speak up [(PLEASE NOTE, THE QUESTION IN ISSUE WAS NOT THE RATIFICATION OF PA. YET AUSA BONDURANT CLAIMED THROUGHOUT THE TRIAL THE BOARD KNEW NOTHING OF NORTONS AGREEMENTS DESPITE THE FACT THAT HIS OWN INVESTIGATION REVEALED THE OPPOSITE. CHALLEN WALLING WOULD NOT ONLY COUNSEL THE BOARD TO CONTINUE 300% LEASING DEALS BUT WOULD ILLEGALLY ALTER A SEVERANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MY SELF AND LCCH TO MAKE IT APPEAR I HAD EMBEZZLED WITH A BUSINESS EXPENSE LOANS (ID DID IN FACT REPAY FROM MY POCKET,) WHILE THE BOARD DELIBERATED AND I HAD TO WAIT FOR THEM TO RATIFY MY AGREEMENT! JUDGE JAMES JONES AGREED THAT THE LOAN WAS IN FACT REPAID. THAT ALLEGATION NEVER CAME UP AT THE GRAND JURY, BUT WAS ONLY FALSLY ALLEGED AFTER THE TRIAL, PILIING ON IN THE PSI--AS AUSAs ARE NOTORIOUS FOR DOING IN MANY SITUATION S NOW--ADDING TO FINES AND TIMES TO BE SERVED.)] --- --- FED BATE STAMP LCCH 002501 (000098) From Lori Livesays own handwritten notes, archived from BD of Directors NOVEMBER 27, 1999 Call to order Minutes--Dr. Molony not aware minutes tapes were being destroyed ...........[]MINUTES SANITIZED BY ADMINISTRATOR[] [(Oscar Aylor{then acting administrator, being paid $300K+/year} would testifyfor AUSA BONDURANT that [now] JUDGE JOHN KILGORES CONTRACTS WRITTEN FOR NORTON AND LCCH, were confusing, complicated, difficult to understand. THERE WAS NEVER ANY OTHER MENTION WITHIN THOSE BOARD MEETING NOTES OF LACK OF PROFITABILITY OF PA OR INDISCRETIONS OF PA OR ME, DR. NORTON, ANY TYPE. IN FACT, NORTON WAS FORCED TO REVERSE MERGE FROM LCCH BECAUSE LCCH, WITH OSCAR AYLORS ADMINISTRATIONS, OWED ME OVER $500,000. LCCH WENT INTO BANKRUPTCY, NOT PA.)] Note; Lori Livesay, the boards secretary put sanitized in quotations. --- US v Norton. MEMORANDUM Western District of Virginia Subject: Lee County Community Hospital James Davis Proffer, Charlottesville, VA Date, July 7, 2000 On 7/5/00 Tom Bondurant, Phillip Barnett, Gregg Wood, Chris Nolan, Jerry Kilgore, and James L. Davis met at the Charlottesville, VA US Attorneys Office. The meeting was to discuss details of James Davis entering a guilty plea. It was decided that Davis would plead guilty to two counts, RICO and RICO conspiracy. This guilty plea would be entered in Abingdon on Monday 7/10/00 bate stamped 000070 #3) NORTON APPROACHED HIM WITH THE IDEA OF STARTING AND INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE PROGRAM. #4) THE HOSPITALS FINANCIAL POSITION IMPROVED OVER TIME. bate stamped 000077 #2) One day Norton came in and told him about the industrial medicine program in Johnson City, and wanted to know if LCCH could set one up. bate stamped 000078 #3) Norton wanted to put together a group. #4) Norton brought the Industiral Medicine contract to him. He ran it by [George] Cridlin (hospital boards attorney) maybe [Dave] Barbe ([James Davis and Richard Nortons attorney]). #9) Norton told Davis, he talked to Shelburne and John Sturgill about the contracts with the hospital. bate stamped 000079 #12) Norton recruited Cathy Napier [(er head nurse)] to help out in the Industrial Medicine Program. #13) The amount paid to Norton was not based just on Industrial Medicine, but on the total Emergency Departments [(professional, not department)] charges. Doris Fee (LCCHs accounting assistant,) would print out the gross amounts billed.... bate stamped 000080 #22) He [(Davis,)] recalls the following people being involved in the Industrial Medicine program, Salina Light,... [(Many others could have provided testimony as to the origin, development and management of the PPA, including the complexity of the program that warranted my payments to my alleged codefendant who would later, at trial, allege it was all simply code for kickback. But my counsel, RICHARD CULLEN OF MCGUIRE WOODS, WHO TURNED OUT TO BE CLOSE FRIENDS WITH W BUSH AND IS DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE HEALTH INSURANCE SCAMS ASSOCIATED WITH NEWT GINRICH, for some reason, in his OWN wisdom, refused to do such, despite my frequent personal pleadings BEFORE AND DURING TRIAL. He thought he was wiser.)] --- Note; the term Industrial Medicine Program was often used to include and interchangable with the Preferred Provider Program, (PPA,) all under my management agreement with LCCH for the emergency department--CHARGING 65% of gross professional fees--including what we paid to the existing staffing company that continued that service, while I and all the other physicians and or nurse practitioners were staffed at LCCH. NO OTHER AGENCY OFFERED SUCH LOW RATES TO ANY HOSPITAL AT THAT TIME. MOST PROFESSIONAL STAFFING COMPANIES WANTED 80% OF GROSS CHARGES SIMPLY TO STAFF THE ER. Dr Norton never collected anything of departmental charges--including nurse, supplies, repsiratory or any other normally bundled billings the hospital may include as usual department charges. Nortons LCCH management of the professional services, including the developement of the PPA, the preferred provider accounting portion of the agreement, which Nortons codefendent, JAMES DAVIS, CPA, COO, CEO, did, as my subconractor, with the assistance of Salina Light, and Cathy Napier, and whomever other parties assisted him, JAMES L DAVIS, CPA; THE PREFERRED PROVIDER PROGRAM (under my Industrial Medicine Program, within my emergency medical agreement with LCCH,) allowed members (free to register, but must be registered and compliant,) to have their deductables, yearly deductable and copays waived according to each and ever single specific individual agreement JAMES L DAVIS made with their specific place of business employees and LCCH, without my specific input until after the agreement was made (and Cathy Napier would report back to me.) One agreement did appear out of interest to LCCH and I immediately (after Napier informed me of such, contacted then-Board Chairperson, Dr. Roy Shelburne, to simply disclose what had been shared with me.) He addressed the matter with Davis without me having any further input involved. THEN, everyday, those deductables/copay waivers had to be reviewed/audited as to compliance. Norton paid Davis 45% of the net profit from the management agreement to reimburse him, Davis, as my, Nortons, subcontractor; as his, Davis agreement with LCCH allowed (and as was never alleged by the prosecutor to be of any issue.) bate stamp 000081 #31) Davis told the following people about doing tax and consulting work for Norton they were Shelburne [(LCCH Board Chair,)] Kumar [(Assistent Administrator,)] Fugate [(Board Chair,) after Shelburne, (later charged --unrelated to anything associated with Nortons charge [except as to be called a coconspirator,)] Hartley [(Board Member,)] Rogers [(Board Member.)] #33) Agent Barnett (IRS Agent, CPA, prosecution team and the ONLY SO CALLED WITNESS THAT ALLEGED ANY KICK BACK SCHEME AT THE GRAND JURY THAT OBTAINED THE INDICTMENT-- DELIVERED TO ME IN 11/99, MONTHS BEFORE THIS INTERVIEW WITH DAVIS...) ...asked when he [(DAVIS)] started using Lynn Livesay [(LCCHs RURAL HEALTH CARE ACCOUNTANT)] #34) Lynn Livesay put Davis personal taxes on his computer. ([PRE SIDING JUDGE JAMES PARKER JONES WOULD GIVE DAVIS CREDIT FOR DOING NORTONS TAXES, WHICH DAVIS SUBCONTRACTED TO LIVESAY, BUT WOULD NOT GIVE DAVIS CREDIT FOR MANAGING THE PPA, AS NORTONS SUBCONTRACTOR UNDER HIS AGREEMENT WITH LCCH AS THE PROSECUTORS DOCUMENT, IN THEIR OWN DEBRIEFING.]) Tom Bondurant, THEN AUSA, is documented with COURT ADMISSABLE EVIDENCE UNDER THE HEARSAY CIVIL RULES OF JUDICIAL PROCEDURES, TO HAVE EXTORTED DAVIS THAT SAME DAY, THROUGH COUNSEL, JERRY KILGORE, TO CHANGE DAVIS TESTIMONY TO; IT WAS A KICKBACK; IT WAS ALL A CODE FOR KICKBACK AFTER DAVIS DAUGHTERS WERE THREATENED WITH PROSECUTIONS FOR OTHER, UNRELATED CRIMES, IF DAVIS DID NOT CALL IT ALL A KICKBACK. JAMES PARKER JONES, PRESIDING JUDGE, WHOSE PARTNER CHALLEN WALLING, COUNSELED BOARD MEMBERS TO CONTINUE LEASING EQUIPMENT AGREEMENTS WITH LCCH, IN EXCESS OF 300% AND EVEN IN EXCESS OF 1000% 3-4 YEARS AFTER INDICTMENTS, REFUSES TO RECUSE HIS SELF OR ALLOW ANY FURTHER EVIDENTIARY HEARING EVEN AFTER AUSA SHARON BURNHAM MOTIONED FOR SUCH AND NORTON REPLIED/MOTIONED TO SUPPORT. BUT THAT DECISION OF JONES CAME AFTER BURNHAM WAS SUMMONED TO WASHINGTON D.C. TO TALK TO THE ATTORNEYS THERE, AFTER JUDGE CONRAD ORDERED COPIES OF NORTON V US TO JAMES COMEY ([?] AND DANA PERINO.)
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 04:15:29 +0000

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