Governors residence not so much a home under Snyder Kathleen - TopicsExpress


Governors residence not so much a home under Snyder Kathleen Gray, Detroit Free Press Lansing Bureau 12:30 a.m. EDT October 27, 2014 LANSING – Since Gov. Rick Snyder took office in 2011, the governors residence has turned from a family home where occasional meetings and receptions were held, to less of a domicile and more of an extension of state government. Instead of living in the official governors residence in Lansing, Snyder has chosen to commute from his home near Ann Arbor. So, the 8,700-square-foot Lansing home has turned into a spot for state department meetings, official receptions and parties; and a spot for private businesses and political groups to hold meetings, luncheon, dinners and fund-raisers. Mark Schauer will live in governors residence if elected, Gov. Rick Snyder will continue to commute from Ann Arbor Under Snyder, outside organizations have used the residence more than 30 times. And while theyre not charged a rental fee, they are encouraged to make a donation to the Foundation to Reinvent Michigan, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit set up to maintain and operate the governors residences in Lansing and on Mackinac Island. Other states, including South Carolina and Colorado, have no problems renting out the residence and its grounds for events, even weddings. But its who is using the residence that raises questions for government watchers. Melanie McElroy, executive director of Common Cause of Michigan, which advocates for good government policies, said the private business and partisan political events at the residence raise red flags. There are several states where the governors residences are used as a reception area for the public. But there is also a set price or contribution so any private group can obtain access, she said. This list of organizations and partisan events, seem to be mostly one-sided. It should be open to all and any to hold events. Private groups and partisan organizations are gaining special access to this government property and thats definitely of concern to us, she added. The Michigan Grocers Association, which endorsed Snyder in May, has held two luncheons there, in 2012 and 2013. Its leader, Linda Gobler, was the chairwoman of Snyders inaugural committee and was appointed by Snyder to the Michigan Civil Rights Commission. Some other events, include: ■ The Michigan Republican Party used the residence for two events — a roundtable and luncheon — in 2011. ■ The Mid-Michigan Business Association held a fund-raiser there in 2011. ■ The Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizer Co. in St. Johns held its staff holiday party there in 2011 and 2012. ■ The Accident Fund Insurance Co. of America held a dinner there in 2011 and the PNC Wealth Management/Sparrow Hospital hosted dinners at the residence in 2011 and 2013. ■ Eles Place, a nonprofit dedicated to helping grieving children, held a reception at the residence in 2013. First lady Sue Snyder acts as a spokeswoman for the group. ■ The Midwest Travel Tours and Estes Leadley Funeral Home in Lansing conducted a tour of the house for widows and widowers. Sara Wurfel, Snyders spokeswoman, said the outside groups may offer donations ranging from a couple hundred dollars to a couple thousand dollars — based on the size, length and logistics of the events. That helps to contribute to the upkeep and maintenance of the residence. Obviously we pay close attention to who is holding events at the residence, she added. And in some cases, (the governor) might stop by during an event. In addition, state agencies pay a fee of up to $125 to help pay for the basic costs of setting up and breaking down a meeting room. Most of the time the house, which underwent a $2.5-million renovation in 2004 to add family living space when Gov. Jennifer Granholm and her family lived in the residence, is used for state meetings. According to records provided by the governors office, 183 events were held at the residence since January 2011. And most are meetings for Snyders staff, administration or department strategic planning meetings. Thats a practice that previous governors have done as well, but Snyder is the first governor not to live in the house since it was donated to the state in 1969 by Howard and Letha Sober. Both Granholm and Gov. John Engler lived in the home with their three kids, so when events were held at the house, they were connected to the governor or first lady. Typically, if there was an event or a philanthropic organization holding an event, the governor or Michelle would be there, said John Truscott the former spokesman for Engler. There was a time or two when an organization would request it and the Englers would be there. But that would be very infrequent. Liz Boyd, the former spokeswoman for Granholm, said the events at the residence were always related to the governor, the first gentleman or state government. But at no time were outside organizations allowed to use the residence for a rental fee. In the two years the foundation has filed reports with the Internal Revenue Service, $1,294,880 has been raised to maintain and operate the residences in both Lansing and Mackinac. Because of its nonprofit status, donors do not have to be disclosed, although Snyders office released the names of 17 donors last year — mostly corporations. A few of the donors — Eles Place, the Michigan Economic Development Corp. and Midwest Tours — do appear on the list of groups that had events at the residence since Snyder took office. Political events arent out of the ordinary at the residence, Truscott said. It is common practice for governors to hold receptions for people who have supported them in their election efforts. But McElroy said: Transparency is key. Folks have a right to know whats going on at the property and should have equal access to whats going on there. Contact Kathleen Gray: 517-372-8661 or kgray99@freepress. Follow her on Twitter @michpoligal.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:43:04 +0000

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