Govt Shutdown: Presidency dares APC *Threatens security - TopicsExpress


Govt Shutdown: Presidency dares APC *Threatens security measures against party * Directive to our lawmakers stands — Lai Mohammed ABUJA—The Presidency and the All Progressives Congress (APC)were yesterday locked in a war of words over the opposition party’s directive to its members to shut down the affairs of the Federal Government. This came as APC House members, weekend, vowed to heed the party’s directive. Flaying the APC’s threat to resort to self-help over the crisis in Rivers State, the Presidency vowed that appropriate sanctions by security agents would be applied to any effort to derail the normal working of government. The APC in a sharp rebuttal to criticisms over the directive issued last Thursday vowed to press on with the directive, saying that the weekend success of the pro-APC rally in Rivers State was an indicator of the success of the directive. The party, however, alleged that the impunity it is fighting in Rivers State has also spread to Gombe State where it claimed its posters and banners were being brought down by government agents. The prospect of the APC having its way in the Senate were, however, down played at the weekend by Senate Leader, Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba, SAN who said the Senate would consider all issues without partisan consideration. Elder statesman, Tanko Yakasai, meanwhile, has flayed the APC directive saying it was capable of truncating democracy. Yakasai in a press statement issued in Kano, yesterday, declared: “I pray that this country will not reach a stage where the recklessness of some members of the political class will lead to the truncation of our nascent democracy.” Meanwhile, a non-government group, Citizens Network for Peace and Development in Nigeria, CNPD, weekend, flayed the APC directive, saying the party had put partisan interest above national considerations. We’ll match action with action— Presidency Special Adviser to the President on Political Affairs, Alhaji Ahmed Gulak while flaying the APC resolution said it was arecipe for anarchy and vowed that whatever actions were made towards self-help, particularly in RiversState would be matched with appropriate reaction by security agencies. Gulak in a statement said: “The Federal Government has directed the law enforcement agencies to take seriously all statements aimed at inciting violence and disturbing the peace.” He said no responsible administration would fold its arms and watch politicians incite their supporters to take up arms or resort to extra-judicial means to resolve disputes when there are legally established channels for conflict resolution in the country. Noting that the Federal Government has a responsibility to protect all Nigerians and ensure that every Nigerian is free to pursue his business and happiness in an atmosphere of concord and tranquility, he said: “The Federal Government fully recognises the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, we regard such enshrined constitutional guarantees of basic rights of Nigerians as the pillars of democratic governance; we know that the full enjoyment of such rights come with personal and civic responsibilities on individuals and groups, it is therefore regrettable and unfortunate, that APC which prides itself as a progressive party, should go all out to incite its supporters to resort to self help to redress their grievances”. According to Gulak, “this is a display of desperation and crass opportunism by apolitical party that wants to win at all cost. There are rules of engagement and we expect all parties to abide by such rules rather than fomenting trouble in order to gain media attention. Our crtics are ignorant — APC The APC in a sharp reaction through its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed described critics of its directive to its National Assembly members to shut down the Federal Government as those who are either ignorant of the workings of democracy or those who have chosen to play to the gallery for pecuniary gains. Noting that the directive was already having a positive effect on the situation in Rivers State, he noted that the members of the Save Rivers Movement (SRM) were able to, for the first time, stage a peaceful rally last Saturday. “This is exactly what we are saying, that Nigerians, irrespective of their party leaning, who wish to stage a peaceful protest anywhere in the country must be able to do so without the police looking away while hired goons attack them. It is all about justice, fairness and equity, without which democracy will not thrive. We will be watching to see if what happened on Saturday represents a paradigm shift in Rivers or it is just a flash in the pan,” the party said. APC said there is nothing anti-democratic, anti-people or inciting about the directive, which is aimed at ending the reign of impunity in Rivers State before it spreads to other parts of the country and truncates the nation’s democracy, wondering why it is so difficult for the President to act, for almost a year, as a part of the country he was elected to govern goes up in flames. “We hereby reiterate the directive, which is a product of deep thinking and robust debate within our party’s NEC to save our democracy, and we commend our members in the National Assembly for their unequivocal support for our stand, and for understanding that filibustering or legislative non-cooperation are veritable tools of democracy,” it said. The party said already, copy cat attacks and intimidation of APC members have been launched by the government and the police in Gombe, because they have been watching the impunity being committed in Rivers. “All over Gombe, our partyflags, billboards and posters are being vandalized by hoodlums aided and abetted by the police. Our youth supporters are being arrested while our members are being threatened by the police and the state government officials. “They say the non-approval of the 2014 budget will pauperize Nigerians, as if the yearly ritual of budget passing since 1999 has benefited anyone but the fat cats. In any case, of what use is a budget when the lives of citizens are at stake? Are budgets not made for the people? Do they understand that even the budgets are based largely on earnings from oil, which we cannot even produce if the violence in Rivers escalates and spreads to other oil-producing states? We’ll heed APC directive — Osagie APC whip in the House of Representatives, Rep. Osagie while giving his readiness to rally the party faithful to heed the directive. “I am a member of a political party and I cannot disagree with my party. All I can say right now is that even the deaf can hear, the blind can see that this government is not only rudderless, it is involved in huge illegalities and unconstitutionalities; it has no respect for the rule of law, neither does it have respect for the right of citizens.” Senate’ll be non-partisan — Ndoma-Egba Senate Leader, Senator Ndoma-Egba, SAN, however, countered the prospect saying that senators would look at issues in the Senate without partisan considerations. “My experience of the Senate for the years that I have been there is that it is not a partisan institution”, he said
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:44:29 +0000

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