Govt spends $4.5b fraudulently on kerosene The federal - TopicsExpress


Govt spends $4.5b fraudulently on kerosene The federal government and National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) illegally spent about $4.5 billion from the Federation Account on kerosene subsidy without appropriation by the National Assembly, a senator alleged yesterday. Chairman of the senate committee on Finance Senator Ahmed Makarfi, who made the allegation in Kaduna, added that the ongoing forensic audit of the NNPC would likely indict key officials. Makarfi, a former Kaduna State governor whose committee submitted yesterday its report on the probe of the alleged missing $49.8b, said the report on the allegations made by the suspended Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, did not indict any individual in view of the ongoing forensic audit of the NNPC. According to him, many of the recommendations by the committee are subject to the outcome of the forensic audit. Explaining that the outcome of the forensic audit might give graphic details of who did what, he said: “the forensic audit may indict many individuals”. He said: “We were asked to find out the whereabouts of some money. For $47 billion out of the $67 billion, there was no dispute at all right from the time we started our sitting that the money was in the federations account. Where there was dispute was between the figure of $10.8 billion and $20 billion. “Even that dispute did not state that the money was really missing, but what has been done with that money. It was not stated at that time that the money was missing, but that it was not remitted to the Federation Account. If it was not remitted to the Federation Account, it could be hanging in one account or the other. “We took the larger figure of $20 so that we can investigate what happened to that money. Out of that money, $5.5 billion was spent on PMS and what we needed to do was to find out if the money was appropriated. We checked the budget of the relevant ministries and discovered that the National Assembly appropriated the money. “So, if the National Assembly appropriated money and it was expended, you cannot talk about money missing. Another $4.5 billion was expended on subsidy on kerosene. But unlike that of petrol, the money was not appropriated by the National Assembly, but there was evidence and certification that the money was spent. “Again, there is a difference between missing money and money spent without appropriation. You know what it was used for, but the fact is, was it authorised by law? It was not authorised constitutionally because all money to be spent are supposed to be appropriated by the National Assembly. That takes care of $10 billion out of the $20 billion. “One part of the money was budgeted for and spent, while another part was not budgeted for, but spent. We also discovered that about $8 billion does not entirely belong to the Federation Account. Our job was to determine how much of that money belongs to the Federation Account”. He noted that what the government should have done after the money had been spent would have been to send a supplementary budget to the National Assembly for approval, stressing that this was not done by the government. The former governor noted that even though Former President Umaru Yar’Adua administration outlawed subsidy on Kerosine, the regime did not take any step to implement the directive even though it was given in writing, adding that the fact that money was spent on subsidy without appropriation does not mean that the money was missing. Senator Makarfi said the Committee did not indict Minister of Petroleum Resources Dezeani Allison Madueke for any wrong doing because it did not find anywhere she made any approval for any expenses to be made. He said: “When you talk of indicting, if you are to indict at this point, it is institutions you can indict. It is when the forensic audit comes out that you can indict individuals. That is why some of the recommendations say subject to the forensic audit and we said that the National Assembly should take further legislative action upon the receipt of the forensic audit if we find any reason to do so. “We have not foreclosed anything in our report. We made conditional recommendation and we are waiting for that forensic audit from the external forensic auditors. That is where personal indictment can come. For one reason or the other, some people believe the Minister and some other people should be indicted. “But from what we have seen, we have not seen anywhere the minister made any approval. So, if you don’t see any particular thing she approved, how do you come to indict her? But the forensic audit also covers payment on subsidy and in that case, the people that could be indicted are many. “In our report, we said we did not go into areas of oil contract. There is nobody who can do oil contract without several cadre of approval. So, our report should be seen in the context that it is and that it is not covering all issues, but purely accounting for money. “Even in the area of accounting for that money, we have made conditional recommendations and when we receive the forensic audit, we will take further legislative action based on what is contained in that forensic audit”. “Well, like I mention to you, accounting for 8 billion dollars. Why the Federal Government could not finance its own share and had to go into partnership with other companies in such a way that the $8 billion did not belong to the Federation Account, but to all of them and they had to share it because we don’t have the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB).
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 09:36:23 +0000

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