Grab a cup of whatever, Ive got a story to tell… A long time - TopicsExpress


Grab a cup of whatever, Ive got a story to tell… A long time ago there was a good girl who had lovely blonde hair, a kickass body, and sparkly blue eyes. Her name was Maggie Hall (see pic). All the dudes were after her, popping proposals, and giving her attention. But, she had bigger plans. She wanted to go to America. At twenty years old, she set sail to America. But life was hard for the Irish girl, and jobs were hard to come by. She became a waitress in a bar. Of course, she was popular with the men and many marriage proposals came her way. She had to constantly remind the boys that she was a good girl. But one day a man walked into the bar. His name was Burdan. That shouldve been her first clue, cause his name sounds like burden. Uh huh. Ol Burdan was a ladys man…and rich. Mega rich. He convinced Maggie to keep their marriage secret and go by the name Molly. His motive? He didnt want his filthy rich family to find out hed married an immigrant. If they found out, hed lose his inheritance. Nevertheless, secrets never stay hidden long, and ol Burdans family found out about Molly and drop kicked that sucker to the curb and left him penniless. Times were rough for the newlywed couple, and Molly suggested she go back to working at the bar. Ol Burdan wouldnt allow his wife to lower herself to serving drinks to men, and it was during this time that Burdan noticed how his friends were always scoping Molly out. She was a pretty girl…some would say she was hot. Old Burdan couldnt blame his friends for looking, right? With his loose lips and dashing body, Burdan was able to convince Molly to entertain his friends. At first, she put her foot down, but hunger won out and a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to survive. She did it once. Twice. Three times. After four years of spreading her legs, she used the money shed hidden away from Ol Burdan, and left his sorry ass. Nothing was going to stop Molly from seeking her dream. This time she was going alone to the west. The wild west. While going over Thompson Pass in Idaho (see picture), in the winter, on the wagon train, a mother and her child fell sick. The wagon master wanted to leave them to die, but Molly raised hell. Her answer to save the family was to stay behind with the mom, the kid, and wait for help to arrive while everyone ditched her. While hope was pretty much nil, she did the best she could. She wrapped them all in furs that shed bought with her dirty money shed earned during her marriage. This is where things get interesting. The townsfolk heard about stranded travelers and shook their heads while looking up at the blizzard in the sky. They knew for certain that the stranglers had perished. The very next day, the good people of the town were surprised to see a man on horseback bringing in Molly, the kid, and the kids mother. Molly was coherent enough to pay for a cabin for the family and hire a nurse for them, and when the town offered her a room, she refused. Molly didnt want any shabby room, she wanted ROOM #1, which was typically reserved for the madam. When one of the town men asked Maggie Molly her name, she said, Molly Burdan. The man laughed and said, “Well now, fur the life o’ me. I’d never o’ thought of it. Molly b’Damn!” The name stuck. Now, this is where the story might seem familiar if youve read FIGHTING TO RIDE. You see, Molly became part of the community, set up a bordello, and hired a handful of women to work for her. Rumors are she never slept with another man, but she did something much cooler. Once a week, she set a porcelain clawfoot bathtub out on the sidewalk for when the miners came into town. The miners knew if they dumped their gold into the tub and filled it enough to please Molly, shed strip down to nothing and take a bath. Yes, take a bath outside on the sidewalk. Of course, Molly wasnt only beautiful, she was smart too. She kept the gold. She gave a lot to the community, fed the poor, supported educating the youth, and took care of everyone in town. Now this was back in the late 1800s. Imagine the stigma of being a madam in a mining town. Imagine the towns most popular good Samaritan running a whore house. This is a sad tale, because small pox came to the town. Instead of hiding for safety, Molly opened her doors at the bordello and used it as a hospital. She also traveled to houses around the area taking care of families, and burying the dead. She survived the small pox epidemic, but the times had done their damage on her. She soon died of consumption in 1888 at thirty-five years old. On the day she died, stores closed down, families drew their curtains and shut off the lamps. Everyone mourned Molly Bdamn. Not only had she lived in my area, shes buried here too. Rumor has it that many men go there to show their respects to the woman who saved so many. Instead of leaving flowers at her grave, the men put money on her tombstone. That money is still there in honor of Molly Bdamn. Theres also a Molly Bdamn motel (pic). Every summer, theres a Molly Bdamn Festival where the ladies dress up in their old fashion evening wear, the men shoot guns in the air to attract the womans attention, and money is gathered to pay for the cost of street lights and help the fire department buy new equipment. Most of all, everyone has fun. I think Molly would approve, dont you?
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:33:58 +0000

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