Grab a stick and break it with your hands..... Now grab a stack - TopicsExpress


Grab a stick and break it with your hands..... Now grab a stack and try and break them Then grab an even bigger stack and try and break them..... Now wonder why there is so much separation going around, Christians, Muslims,jewish,Police,public,blacks,whites,Conspiracy theorists,science facts people,Rich,Poor Anything that keeps us from uniting as one to realize our true strengths united. Now wonder why you taxes are so high,the prices to eat healthy foods,housing..... Hate keeps you slaves pretty much making/digging your own graves.Uniting and seeing the full potential the utopia we can create united as one.A money less society that can reach its full potential....Do you see thru their lies yet? Unite with your neighbors your fellow country men to make a borderless society one unheard of in all of history.Imagine the possibilities when no one is holding you back for monetary gain,Imagine the technology that can be released unto the world,The greatest changes this planet will have ever seen. The time is now to either drop the hate,Loose the separation and come together and realize our full potential..There is no need for us to go into another dark age. We can unite,We can prevail,WE CAN BE WHAT WE ARE MEANT TO BE. Starting today/tonight what ever time zone you are in,Speak with your neighbors,Spread the word,We will hate no more.Forgive for past mistakes from the manipulation that has casted its grips into our minds,Let them know we are ready to fully mature as a race... See the possibilities,Feel the changes in your heart,Know it is possible. It starts from within each and everyone of our hearts. We can have a world of peace.We can have a money less society.Ideas are our dagger ! Use them to unite as one. Much love. Spread this far and wide asap
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 07:52:22 +0000

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