Grace Bible Church Pastor Teacher Robert R. - TopicsExpress


Grace Bible Church Pastor Teacher Robert R. McLaughlin Sunday September 07, 2014 Point 1. Introduction and Introduction and Definition. Point 2. There are Three Elections in history. a. Israel under the ritual plan of God. Christ under the incarnation plan of God. c. The church under the pre-designed plan of God. Israel was elected under the ritual plan of God, DEU 7:6, ISA 45:4. TLJC was elected under the incarnation plan of God, ISA 42:1; MAT 12:18. The Church was elected under the pre-designed plan of God, COL 3:12. Each election brought a new category of species into history. a. The election of Israel brought in the new racial species, the Jew. b. The election of Christ which brought in the hypostatic union, the unique one, the Son of God who was undiminished deity and true humanity in one person forever. Jesus Christ is eternal God and therefore different from humanity. Jesus Christ is true humanity and therefore different from eternal God. c. The election of the Church brought in the new spiritual species, the Church or Royal Family of God. This is called the new creature in the Bible. 2CO 5:17 Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Point 3. The election of Israel. Israel was elected under the ritual plan of God and became the first client nation to God in human history in 1441 BC. A client nation is a national entity under the patronage of God, assigned the responsibility for the formation, preservation, communication, and fulfillment of the canon of Scripture. Before Israel became a nation, custodianship of the word of God involved divine revelation apart from Scripture, such as dreams especially noted in the book of Genesis. Since Israel has become a nation, it, as a nation, is involved in the authorship, custodianship and dissemination of the written Word. In the Jewish age in the Old Testament, and in the Tribulation period, and the Millennium, there is an election of born-again Jews. There will be no client nation during the Tribulation because of the removal of the mature believers of the Church-age, but there will be client nation function through an international pivot of 144,000 Jews, according to Rev 7 and 14. MAT 24:21‑22, talks about Israel in the Tribulation period of only seven years Because of the elected ones [144,000], those days will be cut short. ISA 65:9 refers to the Jewish elect in the Millennium. As goes the believer so goes the nation. Prin-An election from God plus a plan from God equals a destiny from God. If you don’t understand that you have a calling on your life and that you have been elected, and as a part of your calling and election, you have a personal sense of destiny, then you have no idea why you are here and what part you play in the PPOG. If you think your calling is ordinary then you don’t understand nor do you believe that it is extraordinary, you will lose out on the purpose of election and how God willed His highest and best for you, while you ignored it… the way, to your demise. Point 4. The unique election of history: the Lord Jesus Christ. In eternity past, the omniscience of God programmed the decrees regarding the hypostatic union of Jesus Christ. Under the principle of election TLJC was the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world, ACT 2:23; ACT 4:27-28. In REV 13:8, TLJC was the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth, meaning His life was planned and He was elected or chosen to die as a part of the thoughts of the Trinity in eternity past. ISA 42:1 Behold, My servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. MAT 12:18 Behold, My servant whom I have chosen; My beloved in whom My soul is well‑pleased; I will put My spirit upon him, and he shall proclaim justice to the gentiles. LUK 9:35 And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, this is My son, My chosen one; listen to him! Our Lord’s impeccability, the cross, and our Lords resurrection, ascension and session are all printouts of the divine decree as a part of His election. Christ was elected in eternity past; and His election was fulfilled through the virgin pregnancy. As a result of the first advent, Jesus Christ, as the God-man, seated at the right hand of God the Father controls history, both angelic and human, HEB 1:3. The election of Christ is the basis for the other two elections, (Israel and the Church). The election of Christ is the basis for His savior-hood. He is the only way of salvation, ACT 4:12. He was qualified to be the Savior by His impeccability, HEB 7:26 For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens; Without the ascension and session of Christ, there would be no Royal Family to act as a pivot. Like our election, the election of Jesus Christ was impossible without logistical grace support provided for Him. Prin-Election is closely related to logistics. Logistical grace support allows you to fulfill your election to privilege by becoming a spiritual champion or an invisible hero. a. Logistics is a military word which refers to the military science of supply, provision, and planning of troop movement. b. Logistics is also the provision, movement, and maintenance of all resources and services necessary to sustain military forces. c. Logistics involves the national economic capacity and the nations capability to support its military forces. d. Logistics is also defined as the military science of planning, handling, and implementation of personnel under every possible military condition. e. Logistics is a technical military term for sustaining troops in every form of military activity and maneuver, i.e., in the barracks, in the field, in the battle, before the battle, and after the battle. Spiritually then Logistical grace is defined as divine planning, divine support, divine provision, and divine blessing for the execution of the PPOG by the Royal family for the fulfillment of Gods will, purpose, and plan for your life. The cross was the ultimate in logistical support. HEB 9:14 Through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God. Point 5. The election of the Church. This is why the apostle Paul said in 1TH 1:4 knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice or His election of you; The verb to know is a peractpart, eidotes which in the perfect tense means that you should know fully and be able to recognize completely what election really means and how it relates to Gods plan for your life. We have been elected to operate in the Royal family honor code, COL 3:12 Dress yourselves, therefore, as elected ones belonging to God, separated ones, having been loved, [and then the verb is in view, dress yourself with the affections of grace compassions, kindness, [true sensitivity] humility, gentleness The wealth in eternity is forever and ever and ever. The first conveyance or the down payment occurs in time as a transfer of phenomenal spiritual wealth and blessings! in time spiritual capacity or maturity is needed to taste these blessings. The second conveyance occurs at the Judgment seat of Christ! We call it crowns, decorations, and rewards, but those descriptions do not even begin to describe the fantastic things that God has elected every single one of us to have. Because all of us have a free-will, there will be great differences among believers in heaven forever and ever. It will be fantastic to even be there in heaven, and that will be about all the consolation some believers will ever have....theyll be there. 1CO 15:34 Become sober‑minded as you ought, and stop sinning; for some have no knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame. The command to stop sinning is not a reference to sinless perfection but a reference to the fact that when believers lack knowledge it is a shame and sinful. 2TI 2:15 Study to present yourself approved by God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed [at the Judgment seat of Christ], handling accurately the word of truth. 1JO 2:28 And now my children, keep abiding in Him, that if He should appear [Rapture], we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame in His presence [Judgment seat of Christ]. To avoid shame at the judgment seat of Christ the believer must use the grace assets of his invisible assets. The issue that everyone of us must face is whether or not we are you going to be rich or poor in time and whether or not we are going to be rich or poor in eternity. 1SA 2:7 The Lord makes poor and rich PRO 10:22 It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, 2CO 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. There will be perfect happiness in heaven, there will be perfect contentment, but there will also be millions of believers who suffered loss of rewards. The loss of rewards will be a sign that you were a loser in time. Because of your eternal poverty, and I mean poverty compared to the winners, you will lack the richness that God elected you to have. Spiritual blessings in time go to the rich and poor. As far as the eternal state is concerned, it is a disgrace for any believer to be poor in his resurrected body. That same grace that saved him is the same grace that could have made him great. The fact is that all some believers will have to show for there time on this earth is a resurrected body and perfect happiness. 2PE 1:11 for in this way an abundance shall be supplied to you at the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:49:10 +0000

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