Grace Church: Third Year Anniversary “The Best is Yet to - TopicsExpress


Grace Church: Third Year Anniversary “The Best is Yet to Come” (Philippians One) I. Paul’s statements A. Things Couldn’t Be Better! v. 1-18 Paul writes a letter of joy to his favorite church because he knows they are concerned about his circumstances. He writes this letter from Rome, but he is not there on vacation staying at Caesar’s Palace. He is in prison for preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified. And he doesn’t tell them, “Run for your lives; I didn’t know it was going to be this bad!” No, he tells them to rejoice in the Lord, because that’s what he is doing. In fact, he tells them that things couldn’t be better. He’s bearing witness to Roman soldiers who are taking it back to the barracks and spreading the Gospel from there throughout the Roman Empire, even to Caesar’s own household (v.12-14). Christ is the number one topic of conversation in this center of civilization and for that he couldn’t be happier. If God is sovereign and Christ is being preached and believed upon, to Paul things couldn’t be going better, no matter if he was in prison. And it should be that way with us. B. Things Could Get Better! v. 19-26 They couldn’t be better but they are going to get better! How could he say that? Read these verses and you will see. “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor. I am hard-pressed … having a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you. I know that I shall continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith, that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ by my coming to you again.” Things could get better for him – he could die and go to be with Christ, and for the Philippians – he could be released to come back to them and bear more fruit in the Gospel among them. II. Grace Church A. Things Couldn’t Be Better! Things are not perfect by any means. But it’s hard to imagine how things could be much better for our church. Look at what God has done in the short time we have been a church! 87 baptisms and so many families and lives saved. We averaged 186 in attendance during our 3rd year. Barry Love summed it up with these words: “Freedom and Feast.” We are free to worship how the Bible says and believe what the Bible says. And we are free even to sin. Not that we are soft on sin, but WE LOVE SINNERS! Think of the missions and mission money (total of over $116,000) that have gone out from this church: Kenya, Nepal, Honduras, Montana, etc. We have made 7 trips to Honduras, 3 trips to Montana, and we support two native missionaries and Bahati’s work with $500 a month. Think of the young people who have been reached through our youth group, Formosa Youth Camps and RIOTs. It is truly amazing. And perhaps the most amazing part is the love among us. I think that marks us above everything else. Such love and unity. B. Things Could Get Better! And I believe they will. We have only begun. Look at all the lost people that still remain within driving distance of our location. Thousands are out there just waiting to be loved into the family of God through our works and words. We’ve just now been established and laid the platform for the blastoff to reach the heavens. We have a growing hunger and anticipation for the outpouring of the Spirit which will cause our church to explode in this area, in Arkansas and around the world. We will mass produce our services for the internet and DVD distribution. Better things are coming! C. Things Could Get Better IF: This is not going to happen unless… 1. We abide in the Word (Jn.15:7-8) with a focus on the Gospel of Christ. We are going to “preach the Word.” We have no doctrinal statement except the Holy Bible. We preach Christ and Him crucified. The power of repentance is in the Gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation (Rm.1:16). 2. Honor the Holy Spirit. D.L. Moody was told to honor the Holy Spirit and He would honor him. He did and He did, as together they shook two continents for Jesus. We will not be afraid of the Spirit. 3. Continue to reach out. We will continue to equip and send witnesses to the lost with the Gospel and the Word of God. We must never forget what we are all about – MISSIONS! Up till now we have supported everyone whom we know wants and is called to go to the mission field. This must and will continue. 4. Continue to love one another. We will do the greatest things God has commanded us to do and that is to love God with all our hearts, love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and love one another as Christ loved us. If we continue to love one another we will see the best days of our church ahead of us. By the grace of God and for the glory of God we fully intend to do that. If you agree with us, join us and watch what God will do.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 12:39:08 +0000

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