Grammars Tone by JDR An enlightenment is very easy to attain, - TopicsExpress


Grammars Tone by JDR An enlightenment is very easy to attain, but that shouldnt be reason to look down on it in dispersion, for it wants to be attained, the state of your awakened genius calls from the future its only chance at survival. One is simply the mathematical and geometrical center of the entire universe as you understand it, as far as you senses and your memories can reach, the common uniting factor has always been you, and the potential projection into the world of yourself is infinite. In this special sense one never actually moves, but rather consciousness of the entire world moves around its center, you. In this sense you are the potential of the world, the axis upon which anything can orbit if it catches your eye, you are in a unique position, for this universe, your universe is in some important sense THE universe we all share, as do our perspectives cross in this rarest of exegeses on the nature of the Ego and its nurture and future. All desires, wishes and wills enact through you when you express yourself, in one measure or another, for there is no passive personality anywhere, only unprepared and uninformed personality. The moment you realize and become fully conscious, wide awake, that you are the center of the universe, YOU ARE THE CENTER of Centers, and whether coming or going, the Ego manifests in you, and you in it. So being said, you are endowed with the greatest powers and you potentialities are infinite. You are connected with everything by the finest mesh of attractions and repulsions, and like the spider in its web feeling and receiving the impressions of everything everywhere, and by accentuating the senses and perceptions, while adjusting the equilibrium of forces, begin to work at and develop this realization stronger and stronger. This is the Riddle of God, being, existing everyplace, everywhere at the same time. A Oneness of realization, authority, power, confidence, literally leaps from the knowledge into yourself, the realization of which is called Truth. Wisdom will be said to be the Truth known consciously. So, always be conscious that you are the center of the universe, I am- The Majesty of Dignity, and the carefully calculated response to the riddle of the simplicity-in-complexities, the formula for self-realization. It answers the Great Dogma Know Thyself and answers the Enigma Irreconcilable God is immortal man, Man is mortal God. When you move, walk, run or ride all the surrounding world moves according to exact laws of equilibrium, this no further than that is closer, and just so, all relations adjusting themselves in proportion to eternal positives and negatives, the simple formula for which is given as motion. You literally become manifest in places, then face tasks of adjustment through transmutation of impressions into the expression of the Great Ego in the new locale. This formula is known as magick the miracle of I am that I am, interlocking and interfacing Cosmic Consciousness with self-consciousness, the very mystery of proportions, and the geometrical connection between the universe and you. My name is I, My names are many, I am all and I am part of All- When the feeling of I grows in one it takes the form of a self-centering locus of attraction, it is the seeding of the being with Ego, ready to grow and develop. At some point along the way the Ego reaches self-saturation, for given personalities at different rates according to the Law - Like attracts like. Given no significant errors in the developmental process the Ego will begin to externalize into the environment, reflecting back like a psychic-sonar the topological consistencies of the world around the I, this is experienced by all as Personality. Serious Egos, dynamic and strong, will merge other smaller egos within their scope of attraction and this way expands still further, creating satellite ego-transmitters of its own. This is the Ego of leaders and executives who turn the multitudes by means of force, sympathy, and finer resonances between them. To recapitulate for a few moments: The I begins its journey as a seed of Ego, perhaps received from outside the body,as a spark reaches tinder from a discarded cigarette, it can arise completely accidentally, but it can also be conjured specifically and with great effect through a similar process. The iota of the Ego then continues to get stronger through daily efforts to survive and interpret the world it finds itself in, wrestling with impressions to transmute them into progressively more formative expressions, in a way purifying the channels that convey the flood of messages and opening the ways that transmit the answers back to the channels source. Until the channels are absolutely open and pure the flame of the I remains within and the bodily extensions the start of the exterior territory beyond it. Thus is the first stage of the development of the Ego. The second stage is saturation , through expressions and exercises the living fire consumes the body and the first explorations into the wider world begin, until the being is completely lit up like the Burning Bush of Sinai, bound only by the conditional limits of the body in time and space. The Ego then finds its perfect fit with the body, attains harmonic unity, but it must find a way to be transplanted or it will become root bound at this stage and stay in arrested development afterwards. Eat of the bread it is the flesh of mine, drink of the vine it is the blood of mine- Old mystery being answered here. The third stage ensues when the I in expansion overlaps the bounds of the flesh and becomes the outside, while the body becomes the seed of the Great Ego inside. This is the immortal state, the way of divine genius, the state of masters and saviors, whose inclination is to solve the karma of nations and races on this planet and any other for here the Ego thinks, feels and acts through the other egos incorporated within its sphere of influence, a master Ego influence conscious and always awake, employing every effective method to nurture its seed-like bodies. This Great Ego thinks on the outside and so feels and acts, being-itself connected to the others through the entanglements, the ties that bind, thus it thinks in abstract space outside the body itself, and grows there from the root-body upwards and outwards. I am the root or embryo of the now abstract-space faring Great Ego, and go forth in full consciousness and authority for the One I scattered around and about but united by the invisible ties of the Ideal recognized by the Great Ego looking upon its own. This is the way of prophets and founders, I and my Father are One, a mystery explained in plain language here. So, in the development of the Ego, the I will meet other human beings and recognize the stages of development they are in and will call them neighbors, friends and faithful friends. All that can be shall be, for none can hide from the All-Seeing Eye. Keep the Vigil lights burning, lest it be forced to squint.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 21:38:30 +0000

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