Grammer and All things English: This is a new series by Kausa - TopicsExpress


Grammer and All things English: This is a new series by Kausa Mbasela where we will view cretain peoples writing. I reserve the right to protect their identity so names have been removed. The statement below is from a district leader of a named political party: STATEMENT: Ndola in the copper belt province, wishes to register its first disappointment to the acting President Dr. Guy Scott, for acting quickly on the issue which the late president Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, who he never know if he wanted to refuse or sending it back to parliament hopeful to reduce it to 50years after he rent that expectant life is 45years in Zambia, how come this man just acting for someone to take the office by 20th January, 2015, why does he rushing to sign Bills that his friend who had mandent fro citizen never dared to sign even if he had no respect for any person anyway. Our concern is this Bill is not only bad but it borders on disadvantaging youth’s and families who have no one employed in formal and in informal sector to help them get employment as the case in government and other sectors who tend to employ on family and patronage lines, Beside this aim at stealing people’s money, at 65years very few people will be alive according to life expectant, and surviving families don’t mostly having it easy claiming these monies. Our view’s acting president as a person who has no good for Zambian’s and aims at making quick wrong decisions that will mess up Zambia, before the people mandated a person with power to this Office. To us Ndola the man have no power, is just acting, we the Zambian people aren’t given him power to start tempering with Hot Issues only the person to be Elected on 20th January, will have real Authority to Exercise on the Nations Authority to its fullest. We therefore ask the acting President to revise all statutes he have signed and instead wait for the president to be elected. We have no agent agenda at the moment, our agent agenda is the Draft constitution which we the people of Zambia want to enact into LAW. This is the reason we calling all the people in ZAMBIA to support the youthfully leadership who deserve to lead this nation by restoring it to its lost glory, has the Catholic Clergy prophesied that the older crop of Leadership ended with our late President Michael Chilufya Sata, The problem with old people in Zambian politics want to be killing youthful generation by using their experiences and money, to suppress the time and potential in the majority voters and majority populations the youths and women. We here once more sound our appeal to the youthful Zambian’s to vote in youthful leader and then take party in 2016 general Elections by filling in youthful men and women in all wards and Constituencies they should not worst time with old people! (Abakote) who are just there to make themselves happy while them youths wallow in abject poverty and unemployment. We lastly make appeal to every Zambian to go and witness us Launch our 2015 presidential campaign this week on Friday the 28th November, 2014, and listen to what our Leader is going to say. Yours Faithfully
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 12:54:52 +0000

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