Grand Coalition Reaction to Dr Guy Scott’s Sentiments on - TopicsExpress


Grand Coalition Reaction to Dr Guy Scott’s Sentiments on Appointing Ministers from Outside Parliament Lusaka, 04 June 2014: The Grand Coalition Campaign for a people-driven Constitution is not surprised by Dr Scott’s sentiments on appointing MPs from outside Parliament because it is consistently reminiscent of the Patriotic Front (PF) government’s stance. Over the last one year, the PF government has exhibited phenomenal arrogance around consensus building on national issues, particularly the release and content of the Constitution. It is very clear now that the current government has lost track of who they are accountable to. Dr Guy Scott is aware that the Zambian Constitution is a mixture of both the American and the British systems but chooses to take advantage of the ignorance about constitutional law by many Zambians by deliberately distorting the issue of Zambia adopting the American Presidential system over that of the British Westminster Parliamentary system. Zambia, being a sovereign state, has the liberty to draw aspects of the constitution from best practice experienced anywhere in the world. Zambians are demanding a people driven constitution which demands respecting the people’s aspirations. It is not an issue of selecting a bouquet of choices but rather delivering to the Zambians what they want. Dr Guy Scot knows very well that choosing ministers from outside Parliament is what the Zambian people want and that this clause was submitted in the spirit of reinforcing the doctrine of the separation of powers among the three branches of government; provide checks and balances and enhance accountability. We cannot dispute the high likelihood that MPs not appointed as ministers would be solely accountable to their constituents while ministers appointed outside parliament would also be solely accountable to their portfolios and hence serve the people of Zambia better. The current unfettered powers that the President has in the current constitution are actually borrowed from the American legislation and not the British one. The only difference is that the American President has other effective institutions such as congress that check his powers. Who and what checks the Zambian President’s powers? Whose interest is Dr Scott protecting? The oligarchy in power? Zambians are listening. The Grand Coalition notes that Dr Guy Scott has been consistent and sincere in telling the nation that his government does not want a people driven constitution. This has been echoed in some of his previous public pronouncements: that a good president is better than a constitution; that development is more important than a new constitution; and that a new constitution would not bring progress to Zambia. Finally, the Grand Coalition would like to remind Dr Scott that this constitution making process is not about what the PF or any other political party wants, it is about what the Zambians want. McDonald Chipenzi Spokesperson, Grand Coalition Campaign for a People Driven Constitution
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:12:17 +0000

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