Grandmother Vlatko Andonov vision of Big - TopicsExpress


Grandmother Vlatko Andonov vision of Big Man https://facebook/groups/whitebuffalocalfwomancreations/permalink/419947664824358/ Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother looking for the vision, one moment. And want to make sure I sing a sacred song blessing for you before we depart. You said, Can you tell me about my vision from last week who is thise man what i see like homself dance sacred dance to sun? Vlatko Andonov i talk about my vision from last week..i see himself like from native american tribe..some who know sacred love dance to sun Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother okay got it. Vlatko Andonov AHO ! whitebuffalocalfwoman ,elder crystal child...i have Visionen and need your wisdom to tell me who is this...i see myself like native american shaman or some medicine man...i dance sacred dance to sun and around me have circle from big people from tribes..maybe you know from legend who is this man? Vlatko Andonov around me are circle of another big people from tribes. yes you find my writing before Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Let me go and look right now.: okay in the darkness beams streams, yet unseen. Vlatko Andonov more people know this sacred dance or only those who have knowledge like what have SHAMANS (medicine man ) by native american tribes? Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother There is a light which cast a shadow on many figures. I am looking... Vlatko Andonov ok thank you Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother And there is a great light above them. like a sun, but more like an orb of light you catch, which looks like a sun. I will send this image to you later. I continue. . . Vlatko Andonov light like this? Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother The sun seem to cast upon the people. Yes but in all directions Vlatko Andonov i got this on pic? Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother yes... great image, but no colors, more like this image you sent except upright rather than on its side is what I see. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Let me keep looking... casting a shadow on the people below. Vlatko Andonov this picture is from few waves i start to receive. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother you have to go back there and look now at your vision. Thank you. Vlatko Andonov new energy come on earth sis...and till end of this year will 1/3 from people become in 5th density Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother There is a big shadow moving forwards, which looks like a bear. a grizzly bear, its face looks back over the left shoulder. There is a man with him. They seem to be giants compared to the dancers cast in the shadows There seems to be about 10 of them. Let me count them, oh more are coming, moving through. There is a two red ring around a gray cylinder, working as a rattle/noise maker. Vlatko Andonov i was dance song to sun with love and don`t see what have another around me only see circle from people how sit around me Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother projecting from the southeast corner into or forwards or in front of the bear and man imagery. someone is playing the rattle but cannot see them, a big person or giant as well, not perspective, but actually different size. The man with the bear walks toward the dancers. and he sits down under the sun casting its rays. The little people dance around him. I do not sea the bear any longer. A bear represents a star, what is known as Grandfather white color. ah the bear moved to the east, he got smaller He sits as if waiting for you to finish, sitting under the rays, while the people dance around you. The sun is like the head of the man. Vlatko Andonov morning star? red star? Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Move like the casting light from outwards to inwards. Morning star is inside out. This would be the Star of David, the sun stone. or SUNS of MEN. Each man is a light. I see the man drool from his left corner of his mouth as a river flows down to the people. he gifts his water, from inside. Ah, that is what you felt. so you show both the morning star, unseen and the star seen or Star of David. Vlatko Andonov i think this is connected with my star on hand...i open ancient knowledge and secrets...from ancient Egypt knowledge of TOTH TRISMEGIUS... Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother There is a cross on your back and the horizontal bar slopes northwest to southeast. The BIG MAN is you. It is rather like ONE TRIBE of many clans, rather than many TRIBES. Vlatko Andonov i think all tribes will become ONE again Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother What you share is the people are big and you are small, but in my vision you are big and the people are small. This has to do with perspective. What is closer feels bigger. Heavenly stars seems like a big expanse, however it is really small expanse and closer to you. This is the illusion. Stars out in heaven is really stars inside of you. Each star is another being of light. The sparkling sun has a single eye. Vlatko Andonov i feel difference in me from others people from born..i can sit days in silent and not be alone Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother ah like many images you take of your eye. I will add too, as I see many sun images that look like eyes. There is a stream of color falling from you to the right or westerly. (heavenly vision is backwards, east is west and west is east). This color is magenta falls, streaming colors that fall down. There I hear a loud roar, almost like thunder, yet like water falls when the water hits the river below. There is only light or color streams of many colors, the sound of angels streaming by is what it actually is. The river is very dark black extending to the westerly. There is a crest of light from the edge below, a cradle of white light with a straight edge. you are rocking to and fro forwards and backwards. I see an eagle flying around again sent from the sun setting southeasterly. Vlatko Andonov i feel your energy sis Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother He is a dance of light and a trail. and all dances around him as well. the hoops and rings of many peoples. he brings the river, the eagle and the pool of streaming lights. There seems to be a rat a tat of colors streaming every which way. The beams cross, with solid colors like light or red in the center and beaming blue and green at the edges. These are like thunders lightning rods. Oh yes, you are thunder (rainbow) and lightning (indigo). quite beautiful shafts of light. I see this shape in many crystalline shafts, pointed at the ends and full in the middle. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother They seem to go to no alignment, yet we know they have their trails, yet a placing or crossing behind the big man as if to show an x marks the spot, that is where the treasure is (crystal color). Vlatko Andonov Is this eyes of sun? Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother That is nice image, but you could really see an eye and all its parts. Again I will find the images for you. Just have to find them. Gray seems to be at the forefront of that whole vision (lower squared). Let me interpret this later for you. I have an appointment soon and I have to get some rest. And I will find those images for you. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother I want to sit with the vision for awhile too. If you have anymore you would like to add let me know. Vlatko Andonov Morning sun face from mart last year Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Your head seemed to look to the east, drooling the river to the people below. Yes, a wonderful image. now would you like a Sacred Song Blessing right now? The bear moves around, curling to sleep yet restless, like a baby is. Vlatko Andonov Sun rising gave me great pleasure..and make me full with energy for all day sis Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Yes, I love that time too. Vlatko Andonov Sure i like sacred song blessings sis Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother sacred song blessing for Grandmother Vlatko Vlatko Andonov thank you..i will share it on my wall 1/17/2015 Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother sings for Grandmother Leafs Vlatkos heart Whence where we came to find this will of all this gain. I spill my love to you. And where you go into the snow, there is a place I want to show, the greatness of your rainbow. The song of bold is inside of your sole, just walk with me. I will sea. Let our hearts be one, then we can become the suns of the revolving seas, let us be gallantly. Let us become FREE. Freedom reign. Hold onto the insane. We are children of the wane, learning to bow again. And when we are down we seek a frown to turn it upside down once again. Let me lift your chin. Let me gift you a grin. There is a time when we will chime into a heart that is true blue. Everyone knew. Everyone could view. And listening to all that shrieks and meets with a heart in bloom, We are the tune of many men. We are the drowning of our sins. Let us be fortified and realize we have much to dew, let us show you this view. Let us find the true. And when you think you are buried so deeply in your love, let us find this sacred glove hoovering inside of what you need. Let us clean this glass (window pane of visions) free. Once again, when a heart is needing me. i will be there. I will share. And when I rise up the sun will greet me to the morning surprise, there catches my eyes. There is a wonderful rise. Come now dance with me. Let us touch these seas (visions gallantly). Come now dance with me ,upon these shining seas. We are looking for a shadow to bring us closer to this home, where inside our harming waves will be set free, gallantly. If only you could find the truth in what you see, most heartly, all together we are green (river of life, spirituality). We can overcome when we rise up as SUNS. WE can overcome to bring in laughter for everyone. There is a shining wave inside of what we save. If only we could choose to love this world and all its knews. That is the way to overcome and save. Children of the Rainbow come hold my hands. I will understand all the places of our hands. And when we ride (screaming children), there is a prescribed path of illuminate this tribe. We are oneness all along this rise. White Buffalo Calf Woman sings for the heart of Grandmother Leaves. He shares almost everything to bring us back home to the wonder land of all our hearts. Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums for all the sacred suns. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Wow, love that image, perfectly! Love you Grandmother. let me post this song for you at the group or circle, then you can share it with others and post it to directly to your wall or anywhere as I will add a url. Vlatko Andonov I receive with everything me...if can show what my eyes see...many will be surprised Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Thank you my Beloved Grandmother Vlatko. I noticed I called you Grandmother Leaves. Vlatko Andonov When sun shine i can watch with hours in sun without have pain I see rainbow crystalline cities... Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother yes, I think as we become pure of heart we are able to look into the sun beams. Vlatko Andonov Yes Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Oh, I would love more images of that for sure. rainbow crystalline cities. Vlatko Andonov I put some what catch with mobile but cant show this what see my eyes Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Be patient and I will post this later on after I get some sleep and finish my appointment with Holy Brother Joe Lucero I hear you. Yes, the vision I shared cannot be seen at all by light, it is all in the darkness. I hear you. I will try to sketch a small image of what I saw as best as I can. Vlatko Andonov Ok Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Alright my beloved, I love you my Grandmother Leaves. Leaves represent a relative on a tree of life of many together. Many leaves, so that you reflect all the children of the rainbow. Talk to you later Grandmother Leaves (leafs, each child is a relative on the tree of life, many leafs). I love you and I bow. your devoted Grandchildren White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star too. Notes for Holy Brother Joe Lucero : forgot to add eagle flying and drool river from left side of mouth down to the people. Magenta (fire, light waves) and blue (water, sound, dark waves) cross each other. Left is east and right is west on imagery drawn out by my hand. Thanks for taking over from here to add color and such. Photograph of eye in the sky at top looking at you and streaming down rays of light. There are lots of notes on the image. If you cannot read it send me a telephone text and I will send information to you. Thank you. Blessings. I bow. Note for Grandmother Vlatko Toth information giving great knowledge, this is what Grandmothers dew, bring all the eyes of the children into view. We are connected to this true. It is know, instead of no. Love grows, each sliver and chime, all together this time. There is still the interpretation as well. Both the sharing and the imagery. Love you. I bow.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:42:25 +0000

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