Grandparents: Tucker is and always has been a very - TopicsExpress


Grandparents: Tucker is and always has been a very compassionate little boy. He is constantly concerned about others. Especially his family. Tucker has some awesome grandparents in his life and he feels so blessed to have these great examples for him to look up to. Grandma and Grandpa Clayton have a very special place in Tuckers heart. It was Grandpa who assisted in giving Tucker a blessing when he was a very sick little baby and we were rushing him to Primary Childrens Emergency room. I believe that because of that blessing and many many prayers on Tuckers behalf offered by these great people and others, that Tucker, despite his chronic disease, has had the fulfilling life that he has enjoyed. Grandpa Clayton worked with Tucker for hours it seems to get him to chew and swallow a cheeto! Grandma had to learn how to place his NG tube when she tended him for several days while we were out of town. She has also learned how to feed him and administer his meds. I have never had to worry about his care when he was left with Grandma and Grandpa Clayton. He loves to go to their house and party it up with all of his cousins and people who genuinely care about him. We had to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Clayton for awhile as they are serving an LDS mission over the next year! But we talk often and they have promised Tucker that whenever he goes in for his transplant they will be there! Grandma Pam is another special grandma to Tucker. She has been a part of his care from the very beginning. Grandma Pam was there when we learned of Tuckers diagnosis. Each time Tucker went to Salt Lake for a clinic visit from the time he was 3 months old, Grandma Pam was there. She learned right along with me how to care for his needs. How to place his NG tube, how to give meds, how to mix his formula, how to run his pump and much, much more. Tucker has spent many days in the care of Grandma Pam. She has cared for him while Tuckers baby sisters were both born. Tucker loves to go to Utah to visit Grandma Pam. She spoils him rotten and he always has a big hug and kiss for her. Grandma Pam is on alert for when our phone call comes. She will be ready to come stay with the rest of the kids while we take Tucker to surgery. Grandpa Don is Tuckers buddy! He loves to hang out with his Grandpa Don. I believe that Tucker inherited his musical talent from Grandpa. Whenever Grandpa comes to visit, there is always a big hug and kiss from Tucker. Grandpa also loves Tuckers dog and that is a big bonus! They like to play guitar, play with Mello and grandpa likes to come watch Tuckers baseball and basketball games. Tucker often calls him and texts him just to say hello. They can often be found sitting together just chatting away. Tucker always has lots of questions and Grandpa Don is always so patient with him in answering his inquiries. Yes, this boy is very blessed with these amazing, kind people in his life. We are blessed to have them to help in times of need. This journey would not be possible and I fear I would have lost my mind or will to carry on many times without the love and support of each of them. We love you all!!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 01:12:29 +0000

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