Grapeseed oil is an effective treatment for acne and acne scars. - TopicsExpress


Grapeseed oil is an effective treatment for acne and acne scars. The use of grapeseed oil for acne is beneficial principally because it does not clog the pores of the skin and is a source of vitamin E and linoleic acid, both of which benefit the skin. It is a light odorless oil with mild astringent and emollient properties. There is a high concentration of vitamin E in the oil, which is one of the reasons using grapeseed oil for acne is so effective. Vitamin E is an antioxidant which helps in the maintenance of healthy skin eliminating harmful free radicals. It has also been found to help reduce scarring from acne. It is also a highly concentrated source of linoleic acid, otherwise known as omega 6. This is an essential fatty acid with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Many modern diets lack sources of linoleic acid and so skin problems such as acne may result. A deficiency in omega 6 can also result in dry hair, hair loss and poor healing of wounds. Another reason for the effectiveness of grapeseed oil for acne is that it is a source of oligomeric proanthocyanidin, a powerful antioxidant that can help in neutralizing the free radicals that promote most diseases and conditions such as acne. It is many times more powerful than vitamin E. Oligomeric proanthocyanidin improves and stabilizes the skin protein collagen and resist inflammation and skin damage. It has more antioxidants than vitamins C & E Grape seed oil is a powerful antioxidant. In fact, scientific studies have shown that the antioxidant power of proanthocyanidins found in grape seed oil is 50 times greater than vitamin E and 20 times greater than vitamin C. This makes it a potent weapon in the fight against environmental toxins and sun damage. It minimizes skin aging Not only does grape seed oil neutralize free radicals (skin damaging molecules), it also helps maintain optimal levels of skin-firming collagen and elastin. Plus, it’s rich in the fatty acids that are vital for a healthy and glowing complexion. And it helps to stimulate regeneration of skin tissues – according to scientific reports, grape seed oil can even quicken the healing process of skin wounds. Try it on stretch marks and watch them vanish! It’s a natural acne treatment Grape seed oil is extremely rich in linoleic acid, which helps strengthen cell membranes and improve skin health. It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory. Taken together, these properties make grape seed oil not only terrific at preventing acne breakouts but also a great ingredient in helping cure existing zits and scars Kenapa saya post maklumat ini sebab Knowledge is Power Maklumat itu Kerana ada seorg member kita org kaya...dia pakai skincerity Tetiba banyak jerawat keluar... So dia pergi buat treatment beauty salon Orgtu cakap kat dia Vitamin.e dan grapeseed tu tak bagus utk rawat jerawat So saya bagi maklumat dia terus pakai skincerity bila dia sembuh dia akan sponsor owner beauty salon tu. Now dah berkurangan...tunggu je testimoni nya nanti sy akan.minta permission dia utk bagi u all.Sebab lain kenapa pakai skincerity keluar jerawat ialah dia pernah buat macam2 chemical treatment habis duit beribu utk kulit muka Laser dan pelbagai Dia bagitau tu kat saya... So sy tanya dia you ada pakai foundation powder? Dia kata sebelum raya tak de Masa raya ada pakai... So saya cakap cuba check foundation powder u pakai ada kah jenis non comodogenic Maksud non comodogenic ialah jenis menyumbatkan pori2 So sy syak ianya foundation or chemical yg mendak dlm kulit dia ...or just a healing crisis ****note: ramai wanita pakai kosmetik make up...tak aware tentang ini Non COMODOGENIC
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 07:27:16 +0000

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