Grasping is the source of all our problems. - TopicsExpress


Grasping is the source of all our problems. 執著是我們所有煩惱的根源。 Since impermanence to us spells anguish, 由於無常會誘發忿恨 we grasp on to things desperately, 我們便更執著地去抓緊一切 even though all things change. 即便一切會變改 We are terrified of letting go, 我們懼怕放手 terrified, in fact, of living at all, 懼怕的實質是生活下去 since learning to live is learning to let go. 因為生活下去是意味著學習放下 And this is the tragedy and the irony of our struggle to hold on: 這正是對我們掙紮去執取的悲劇和諷刺 Not only is it impossible, 這不單是不可能 but it brings us the very pain we are seeking to avoid. 更會為我們帶來我們正正想避免的悲痛 The intention behind grasping may not in itself be bad; 執取的動機未必是壞 there’s nothing wrong with the desire to be happy, 追求快樂亦沒有不對 but what we try to grasp on to is by nature ungraspable. 於自然定律,我們意圖去執取的卻是不可能執取得的。 The Tibetans say that you cannot wash the same dirty hand twice in the same running river, 西藏人講:你沒法在同一流水中洗你的手兩次 and “no matter how much you squeeze a handful of sand, you will never get oil out of it.” 及不論你如何努力,你都沒法在手中的沙粒揸出油 ~ Sogyal Rinpoche ~
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:59:07 +0000

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