Gratification oozed through mechanized pulses sprouting limbs - TopicsExpress


Gratification oozed through mechanized pulses sprouting limbs slicing through horizons periphery. He sat on her balcony sipping the remnants of a bottle of red slipping into snooze mode for a brief instant until the lingering legs flicker whipped his eyelids to attention for a voyage lap looking for peculiar treatments occupying mental acuity. He stared at her naked body lying angled across the bed under sound slumbers pharmaceutical persuasions as early glows smoldering shadows crept through her bedroom. The riveting pulse pounded echo into equilibriums drifts spiraling stenciled tracers occasional spurring generated enthusiasm as he wandered through the apartment looking for a joint to accompany the wine watching the lights blossoming crawl. He grabbed a bowl of strawberries, a bottle of Veuve Clicquot and orange juice, the wine was too dry on his parched throat; setting on the balcony mixing a refreshing drink, his heightened senses enjoyed the tastes. After trying to sort the damages depths twisting in the ornamental grips wishing he took a valium. He decided; a lingering morning and day off, not that his presence ever required much more than pointing, although he forgot to call Felicity, and she might wonder, probably not, his intentions were obvious, and even though she covertly pressured a deepening structured commitment, his position as creature of the night was understood. He was confident enough, the paranoia’s chewing grind of flit inconsequential morose blip tectonics, to even concern her intentions, as if it mattered peeling through the tracks of her ascent. Wandering into the den he found half a joint on the mantle near to a pair of panties from their romp on the couch covering a collection of Herend porcelain figurines next to a Baccarat vase filled with long stem lilies. “Thanks be to whoever’s in charge at this time of the day.” He muttered audibly walking back to the balcony, making bionic man sounds in over-exaggerated pose slow motion thrusting appendages into the air at various angles encapsulated by the lack of motivational sound to slide upon, grabbing a lighter from the robe pocket igniting the sticky carcass with enthused exuberance, a steep wave of the lingering drips glimmer of slopes slippery phantasmagoria with each embedded breathes casual coaxed climb into rhymes finery, music, he grabbed a remote and pressed some buttons, volume down first, he didn’t want to spray the sounds and awake her, this was a valuable time, the hot tub always an option, he found a jazz station on satellite radio and set the volume to noticeable background just above the escalating street sounds climbing the glass and steel walls to the 21st floor overlooking to the West. A wall of high rise towers hovered over staggered steps of protruding architecture emptying to the vast plateaus of calculated plats stretched alluvial plan asphalt fingers clawing empty into fates gambles. Sipping the drink, tasting the fruits, a calm slack relaxed the tensions jutting plumes remnants releasing the toxic grips twisting deviant spiral with deep breaths of fevered flex. The blanket of cold slowly melted as the shadows retreated shrinking into their secrets revealing nature’s palette adorned by her graceful styles particular accessorized flair. This might have been the greatest tasting drink ever, like an explorer’s parched thirst exiting the wilds inhospitable spent candle wax drips, suddenly a distant mirages realized bounty drowned in ambrosias syrup replenishing drifts drips. The bottle of Veuve was gone in twenty minutes or however long it had been. Time was irrelevant and inconsequential; at least until oppressive bright tested the fervor of her Dior glasses from the table he was wearing. He needed a drunk buzz to stave off the impending doom of cross current derivative fixes escapist gloom contradicting the days blossom, with either a soak or a pill and down for a spell. Making the dreaded call weighted heavy, to make sure the open was clean if he drifted off too deep into the day. He searched for his pants and found his phone. There were two messages from Felicity at 2 and 3. He decided not to listen to the messages and pressed her contact to dial hoping, knowing she would not answer at 6:42 AM Wednesday. “Hi, sorry about not calling you back, I had a late night, I’m just uuh going to sleep and you need to make sure to open in case I‘m slow to wake in the afternoon. I’ll stop by as soon as I can. It shouldn’t be anything you can’t handle. Thanks, I owe you again and again and again, I’m sure glad you get me and we have such a solid understanding. I’ll bring you a surprise.” He hung up with a sense of relief that should not register normally although anything sparked his dwindling emotional heights tired from the undulating climbs. He wore a cringed ear to ear grin flexed smile, over extended slow motion high step tip toes flexing his arms in runner’s patterns through the den circumventing the shadows sketchy shaded treachery. He earned a soak and headed to the tub, thankful for technology and the constant hospitable temperature, pressing the buttons to slight gurgling boil slipping in naked with the remainders of his drink to toast the days embrace before sliding into a deep sleep. Parades of sporadic tendencies illuminated the frivolous spirits dance upon postured gestures streams as they summoned their car and trusted emissary driver to wait out front and catapult them through the atmosphere towards the high rise debauchery palace of excess currently devoid of much wisdom in favor of more anything seeking clarity to comprehend the surreal lessons sorting kaleidoscope orders, highly diluted under the veil of chemicals tedious dance, several hours into the spectacle, soaked from the exuberant displays of gyrating adulations frenzy under foreign soils hospitable deluge of light, sound and bombastic beauties tragically hip concluding successes usury contaminations, to keep the collateral damage to a minimum, exposed to the fickle whims of those generating heats collapsible dome showering animosity within the ranks speculative dissent tasting the waters bubbling in a power struggles suitability quotients indoctrinating dilution rendering combustible material stitches strobe pose flash frozen images, entrenched mural background noise for those that matter in their existences glimmering scope. Sucking on a whiskey water and ice he scanned with tenacious hollow visages scouring the stitches snap crackle pop flashes rhythmic displays of untethered flutters unhinged stretches of scenes streaming dreams stenciled emotions seeking interchangeable acceptances validation registering ranks based upon suitable attachments accessories draped beams saturating pop culture idol player statistics refreshing glimpses into the form fittest concocting enhanced images wielding strings harmonic tendencies validation. Earned places took character enhanced reinforcements or pasted to wallpaper gawker status drifting into the lonely nights uncaring blankets of casual lost times melt. Juliet leaned into him grabbing Clay’s thigh and moving progressively upward. She was enthused by the derivative mental acuity searching for a grasp to calm the spinner flames flung spiraling travesties of normalcy. He often speculated on her tendencies to skew such fabulous states of encompassed being, what drove her corroded engine so far over the lines of questionable conclusions? What damage was lying hidden in the recesses of her intimate fields? Their relationship was more of a convenient twist of familiarity driven by intimate conclusions melted wax exploring the thread count of her sheets constantly seeking to raise the bar of pleasures culminations. The guilty Cheshire grin of like-minded accomplices leaning as prop facilitator to reach plateaus of ethereal glamour collecting jealous glances energized secret desires abundant options fantastical voyages, although they kept mostly to themselves, hidden away like secret lovers protecting their jaded hearts spawn. The crass fickle contamination of inclusionary faction splinters often rubbed raw abrasive the sprawling hospitality and left lots to be desired other than the easily attainable plethora of bodily shapes infused fetish splices to season tired feats of conjoined bites, snacks to enthuse the conscious minds elevated positions hovering sights angular perceptions prying thighs enticing clues uncovering the deep seeded damage looking for a crease to ooze through. Staring through a sheer top wrapped through concaved hearts playful patterns seeking the enthused conclusions entertaining show offered glimpses towards gravitational tropical islands streaming shallow conscious showering treats spiraling tumbles degradation descents to appease the propped heads finery glimmers drinking tamed spirits occupied elixirs bleeding from punctured vulnerabilities constant flow erasing spirits fighting chance as splattered hollow carcasses waiting to be ingested in varietal positioning capacities. Enthused ironic catcall applause elevating flip flop satirical discontent to valued patrons habit allocating assets to prized coffers illuminating glow adding to offering depths dimensions prompting the shows toxic splendors. He felt a shimmer, bewildering drenched clarity to motivate, to escape, to feel free above the vantages cackle holler aiming to fleece through pleasures unseen costs currently gnawing his muscle from melting bones sold as supplements through treachery channels of contaminated salient acidic solutions adrift on the open seas. “Do you see anyone you can’t live without?” He snapped his fingers in front of her deep penetrating gaze. She slowly turned to face him uttering in slow cold monotone as if holding her breath through the onslaught acclimations of splintered heightened senses grasps. “I’m good.” Clay stood, gathering his faculties grabbing her hand pulling towards the swarms of bodies involved in the scene. “Let’s bolt.” Collapsing capacities in the molten boil melted muscles tensions while erasing the fevered paces overcompensating lethargy slowly drifting to an insignificant blob barely able to keep his head from falling to either side taking a final heavy swig draining the glass, dropping it into the tub struggling to light a cigarette from the pack on the side to remain conscious through actions occupying capacities to swerve. The squeamish stoicisms momentary reprieve in deviant speculations obtuse limp sway sparkled as the ash grew with each passing breathe searching for the chemical balances buttery spread to alleviate the indecisions misconceptions of dwindling controls reproach. Splintering substructures critical mass flexing spirit fluttered with lost directions attentive confidence at this late hour of an early day beyond reach of responsibilities chewing stretch of whimsical infantile imaginations architectural boundaries stenciled on chalk boards uncertainty or opportunity depending upon confident abilities resourceful reaches and bodily harms regenerative properties optional potions. Thriving to motivate to remain relevant allowed the entities cavorting spirits to sparkle illuminating keys, sorting rational complexes of beings necessity to deviate comprehensions while stains traipse gratuitously over sacred grounds emasculated bedrock searching for the beginning to understand the initial quandaries sought perspectives lost in wandering pleasures spectacles faded sights intent until painted nights day glow lights fade to blinding luminescence’s dark tired shadows crawling deep through the afternoon heat wondering which way is up. Travesties illustrious injustices deviated sanctimonious reaches into plateaus of consciousness, an admirable endeavor in thought procurement soothing jaded souls, devoid of the basis of introspections cavorting struggles maintaining threats of mortal wound steps through crap shoot contested galleries scarred shrinking fears jittery blips with the volatile cocktails etched tears glib remorse tainted insignificant stares morose fevers toxic energy taints corroding elements decay wearing heavy on the struggle for clarity. Tried times definitive decisions to bleed onto the water’s edge to seem significant in a grander scheme of diluted sprawl echoed tired sentiments through permeable recesses of glamorous poses basking in the hollow blushing reflections lightheaded enamored vanity. Lost in the lonely chasms indistinguishable depths perceptions of heavy introspections required bleeding to read, if capable, the souls equation remedy to cure the discontent and address answers grandiose interpretations map. From tracing orbital patterns in the bubbles of the tubs induction ceremonies close knitted splash he stared through the balcony’s glass and traced the streets cutting through trees canopy fluff and geometrical buildings specific stable intent unsure where his damage lost control and directions traversing equilibrium diverted by the soft delicate shapes alluring charms siren whispers and organic spreads fluctuating horizons riding the bacchanalian seas. Staring through the glares stammer he searched for answers to the reality of certain dangers plotting his untimely demise, the sharpened blades searching for skins to wear and blood to drink, magnetisms gradual drag collecting momentums progress searching for reasons he offered like discarded clothes if unable to meet expectations spiraling descent into deviant committed demises shrinking parameters reeled towards whatever entity owned his papers. She might be able to help, which she? What did he need the most? He truly hoped for his friend’s ascent through the atmosphere offering opportunities, the days that real friends shine through the cloudy shrouds of impish grasping hands tearing lives to tattered threads, successes curse searching for armors walls of realistic reflections competent footing regardless the truth of consequences. He could definitely use options other than those he fell into through shear haphazard coaxed goading selective pitfalls gouging sockets charges to own his taxed flesh, currently under assaults rendering. Pulling flesh from bone, tasting the seasoned damages for vulnerable flavor points of entry delighting the slash and burn techniques hideous nature. The paths enticing potions, treading heights through incidentals flings contact buzz relegated humor to those able to collect emotions arsenal to use as whimsical poses above the stenciled dialogue driven melodrama suites, stacked tight to the thrills with secular skills opening the conversational banter with leveraged honors leading the lackadaisical way, supposing chance circumstances gravitational futures acute perceptive deals. Playing hands held to the fire, stretching appendages reach towards hidden desires, curled under covers lost in the quant slumber’s peaceful streams. The day in full reveal, cylindrical strobes persistent fevered pace, he searched for cracks in the luminescent flow offering a slight glimmer of hopes streaking tremors to overwhelm the depths casual volume. An electric tremor, the sparkler dreams ignited consciousness, a bitter chew of the fading taint, a hoppy batch with leggy tendencies to freak the droop into smiling drifts of cavorting splendor full of the spirit to fuel compatible morphing spheres divestiture towards amped spills on pins and needles. The weight of the slip chins sliding towards the gurgling surface tensions drenched conclusions. He could motivate and rally for a cause, the glass of wine was still full and the parched throat was tamed for the time being, not to mention the remainder of smoke. The main priority was finding a pill to ease into sleep. He summoned his strength, jutted his chest with a full breath to make sure the muscles still cooperated, leaned forward and stood reaching for the balcony rail. He could see the street below full of traffic and knew he needed her bed. He stepped out and walked into the den dripping naked. Froze, did a double take, pivoted on the balls of his feet and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist and a swig of wine. He remembered opening the Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon, it was vibrant with such a deep elongated breathe, a perfect fill. He lit the smoke taking several long deep inhales and flicked it over the balcony. Proper, he thought, that’s the stuff legends are made of. The eternal quest to find relief from the day’s storm takes persistence to fill the scripts just right. He walked into the bedroom and stared at her naked body. She was exceptional, perfectly sculpted endowments offering with the slightest coax nibbling in the right places on her neck; miraculously he felt a twinge of arousal, quickly beating down the rising insurgence stammering to the nightstand to inspect the pill bottles. He sat on the bed and poured two Valium into his hand swallowing them with a bottle of water. That should do the trick he thought. Any necessary corrections before he fell flat for a spell? He lay down and threw the towel on the floor staring at the ceiling. She moved and rolled over towards him burying her head into his chest. The weary entrenched tired enveloped his motionless structure beyond ability, draining collapses into the pillow top mattress, relaxing every instinct into total free fall. It was too late, nothing was that important, except he had to piss. Why! He could argue for as long as it takes, but the answer lies in the natural states pressing issues of necessity functions. Maybe just a few more moments, such deep comfort delirium, a perfect state of euphoric bliss, that eternal quest for the right buzz equation, this was something close, a bit heavy on the energized spine creep twinges, tired alert awake, lying in snow drifts leaping into a sauna, a beach in the shade, fleeting perfections hoping to be recaptured to feel above the trappings of regimented function. It would be here when he returned. He must summon his strength. He lifted and wobbly persistence paid relief dividends, a brief interlude of necessity and then recaptured a state before drifting into total nothingness until whenever, thankful for that comfort of open ended recovery. He collapsed and was spent. Sleep came fast and deliberate.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 05:54:21 +0000

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