Gratitude Challenge Day 4: 1. Im grateful for trees. Ive put off - TopicsExpress


Gratitude Challenge Day 4: 1. Im grateful for trees. Ive put off moving out of a places that needed leaving because I couldnt bear to leave the tree outside my window. The larch near the Abbotsford townhouse, the honey locust by the Clearbrook apartment. Today I can see a huge, lovely mountain ash laden with clusters of bright berries. Sometimes I miss Quebec where, every fall, I felt energized to start some ambitious life-changing project because of the riot of flaming maples, & at other times felt serene & settled because of still white birches reaching to intense blue cloudless sky. 2. Im grateful for water. My earliest memories are of a cool deep lake in the Laurentians & of a happy, brisk stream by our house there. I wanted to swim - I craved to learn, but I was close to 30 before I lost my great fear of drowning. I simply *had* to conquer that. At last I learned that if I would only relax, I could trust the water to cradle me, delighted & safe. Soon I could swim; it was & is a great joy. 3. Im grateful for birds. That Laurentian lake memory always carries the mysterious call of the loon across the water. Whippoorwills lulled me to sleep with their strange but comfortingly familiar sound. Today, I enjoy the raven who lives nearby & teases the Stellars Jay by imitating its frantic racket. One perfect day, the raven perched on my balcony railing & said Shut. Up. in the voice of a man. Amazingly, the jay obeyed.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:23:09 +0000

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