Gratitude Day 150: Life Force away from my daily pages for a while - TopicsExpress


Gratitude Day 150: Life Force away from my daily pages for a while good to take a break but something keeps pulling me back even when I know I need some time off. What a topsy turvy day yesterday. It was the one year anniversary of my bone marrow transplant just cant believe it has been a year..... the growth that I have had spiritually and physically has been phenomenal. I feel stronger every day closer and closer to my old self although that old self has been forever re-defined into a new evolving self, a self that will continue growing and changing until the day I die, a day that I hope doesnt happen for decades. But death does come to each of us and every other living thing it is part of the cycle of life. Ironically on the day I celebrated another year of life our dog Vinnie left this plane of existence, we put him to sleep for the long sleep with even more of an ironic twist because of a blood disease that hit fast and hard leaving him foundering, in pain and confused. It is surreal in our house without him. His life force was such a part of our daily lives. His comings and goings, his noises, his mischief, eating and drinking, his needs, his quirky little habits all of his life force....his essence....his being that was so infused and intertwined with our lives individually and in the daily routine of our family is gone. I really cant remember our house, our family without him and all that he contributed and required. There is an emptiness here now that will gradually fade with time as we adjust to the absence of the life force that was Vinnie Voo Voo champion smiler and poo poo dancer pure love and goodness emanating from his very being. Death gives us a perspective an understanding of what is really important in life those unnoticed but priceless mundane but miraculous moments that happen all around us all the time but that we cant really understand and appreciate until they are gone.....only to be conjured up in our memories of what used to be. I am so happy that my life force is strong again and getting stronger every day but the absence of Vinnies life force gives me pause; a chance to reevaluate, restructure and redefine this life force that is flowing through me out into the world. How do I want to harness my life force? How do I want to use it in the world? What changes can I make to constantly recreate a life force that will positively affect the life forces around me to be better, do greater good, spread love and joy, add to rather than subtract from, build rather than tear down, give instead of take, create instead of destroy. Vinnie was just one Dog out of billions a little ball of fur with a sweet grinning face and a stubby tail that wagged to show you how happy he was but he taught me the importance of pure sweet unconditional love and how important the life force in everything alive is. I know the pain of his loss will subside but I hope the lessons he taught will live in me forever. Rest in peace sweet Vinnie thanks for all you taught me and all the love you gave. with Lisa Campbell McCorkle
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:34:20 +0000

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