Gratitude: Day 17: Spontaneous Interaction and - TopicsExpress


Gratitude: Day 17: Spontaneous Interaction and Conversation..... Ive always had the gift of blarney I think it developed when I was a wee lad and moved more than a dozen times by the time when I was seven (my dad was in the Navy) combined with having a mom that is a chatterbox and being the oldest of five children. Meeting folks and chatting was never a challenge for me. Dont get me wrong I love the technology we are surrounded with today blogs, Facebook posts, YouTube channels, emailing, Skyping, Twitter, cell phones and texting they all help keep us in touch. They also give us a certain feeling of connectedness. Nothing however takes the place of being with someone in person. Sharing a laugh, a cry or just catching up. Looking into someones eyes as the tell you their deepest secret or what they enjoyed for lunch. Sharing a hug, handshake or a affectionate punch on the arm. I had an appointment today and the waiting area was a big space. Two little boys one 3 and the other 7 were playing. Their mom was busy at a kiosk taking care of some business and couldnt be two places at once. I helped the 7 year old get out of a potential falling situation and gave a nod to the mom she said thank you and I became the unofficial baby sitter for the next fifteen minutes. The boys told me all sorts of stories while they played on the box benches and I helped keep them out of harms way. It was great fun being able to share the imagination and stories with them and I left with a big grin on my face. My next interaction was just before rehearsal tonight. I stopped by Aroma Cafe for a bite and a friend who I hadnt seen in a while came over to the table. We hugged and caught up over lost time and even got to know each other a bit better. Again just after she left I had a palpable feeling of joy having seen and talked to her. Makes me want to really focus on following through with the lets have lunch or we should grab a cup of coffee. Texting works but there is nothing like being there with someone...........with Lisa Campbell McCorkle
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:59:36 +0000

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