Gratitude.... Hot Women over Beautiful Women.... . . . There - TopicsExpress


Gratitude.... Hot Women over Beautiful Women.... . . . There is something fundamentally beautiful about women that is more than their outward appearance. Its something else entirely. And what is that something else? Gratitude. True beauty has a pro- found sense of gratitude. A gratitude for life and a gratitude for love. A simple thankfulness, a kindness, a grace of spirit in the heart. As Nietzche put it, The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude . . . The notion that a beautiful woman is a throwback to a different, more simple time is both a cliche and true. There is a certain worldliness in true beauty, an ancient spirit, a knowing. Beauty is not light-headed, uncaring, frivolous. Beauty is not Look at me! Look at me! Beauty cares, has empathy, is tinged with sadness. . . . Beautiful women are secretly lonely. We think its because they are intimidating to others. This may be true, of course, but there is something else here, something a little more fundamental, something beyond the obvious. Beautiful women are lonely because they are never fully included in the lives of others. Men are rarely honest with them about their intentions and women are a little unsure of them. a little suspicious, a little mistrustful, a little wary. Beautiful women are place upon a stage, up there, away... away from the nodding, whispering, murmuring audience. They are politely non- included, set apart. . . True beauty is so rare that when you encounter it--in nature, in art, in people--it breaks your heart a little. True beauty stops us in our track, we catch our breath, we are still. . . . Theres a difference between hot women and beautiful women, Hot women are everywhere; they abound. They are beautified, not beautiful Beautiful women, on the other hand, are rare and a real mystery. Hotness speaks to our impulses. Beauty speaks to our imagination. . . . All men notice when a hot woman enters a room. But all women (and only a few men) notice when a beautiful woman enter a room. Women secretly admire beautiful women. There are no greater admirers of beautiful women than other women. Women dress, wear makeup, were designer clothes for other women....rarely for men. Men dont care at all who designed that shoes, the dress, the purse. They dont even notice. Does she look good? Yes. Are the dress and shoes removable? Perfect. . . . . Hot women get hit on. Beautiful ones rarely do. Why is this? Its because men understand hot women; they are a known entity. Men know what to do with them, or more precisely, what they would like to do with them. Hot women have a front side and a back side. No mystery there whatsoever. Beautiful women, on the other hand, possess a complexity, a depth, a nuanced grace, that confuses most men. Men have no idea what to do with them. So beautiful women are politely passed on by. . . . This is why bars and clubs are infinitely depressing to a beautiful woman. Her encounters with men come in only two flavors: the drunks, oblivious, who leer and lurch, spray-painting their beer breath upon her, and the sober ones who shuffle their feet, clear their throats, avert their eyes. . . . . Hot women are attracted to shiny objects: money clips, camera lenses, fancy watches. All you have to do is flash it better or more profusely than the next guy and youre in. This is something men can understand, for there is logic here, and structure. A road map to follow: acquire shiny objects, acquire hot women. Simple. One for the left arm and one for the right arm? Sure, why not? . . . Beautiful women do not care about these things at all. They are attracted to only one thing in men: beauty. And what is beauty in a man? A lifelong devotion to a personal passion, a passion larger than him, larger than her, larger than the whole wide world, a passion that radiates from his pores until the day he dies. This is the beauty of men. And this is why beautiful women are forever in love with starving artists, musicians, dreamers, iconoclasts. They love these men because they, too, possess a certain, rare beauty. They, too are set apart..... ~Ars Amorata
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:18:29 +0000

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