Grave Secrets of the War of 1812 Wilkinson was commissioned a - TopicsExpress


Grave Secrets of the War of 1812 Wilkinson was commissioned a major general in the War of 1812. In March 1813, Wilkinson led the American force that occupied Mobile in Spanish West Florida. He was then assigned to the St. Lawrence River theater of war, following Henry Dearborns reassignment. Wilkinson engaged in two failed campaigns (the Battle of Cryslers Farm and the second Battle of Lacolle Mills (1814)). He was then relieved from active service, but was cleared by a military inquiry. In 1816. Wilkinson was severely condemned in print by New York Governor Theodore Roosevelt, some 65 years after the generals misdeeds, with this judgment: In all our history, there is no more despicable character.In 1821 Wilkinson visited Mexico in pursuit of a Texas land grant. While awaiting government approval of his Texas scheme, Wilkinson died in Mexico City, where he was buried. Wilkinsons involvement with the Spanish (Agent 13) was widely suspected in his own day, but was not proven until 1854, with Louisiana historian Charles Gayarrés publication of the American generals correspondence with Rodríguez Miró, the Spanish governor of Louisiana. Other historians would subsequently add to the catalog of Wilkinsons treasonous activities.The summer of 1787 brought with it several significant developments in General Wilkinsons public life, developments that laid the groundwork for the so-called Spanish Conspiracy. The results of his discussions with Governor Miro would have profound implications for Wilkinsons subsequent participation in the statehood conventions of Kentucky. In August, Wilkinson signed an expatriation declaration, swearing allegiance to the King of Spain. In this Declaration, Wilkinson prefaced his comments: Interest regulates the passions of Nations, as also those of individuals, and he who attributes a different motive to human affairs deceives himself or seeks to deceive others: although I sustain this great truth, I will not, however, deny that every man owes something to the land of his birth and in which he was educated.Born and educated in America, I embraced its cause in the last revolution, and remained throughout faithful to its interest, until its triumph over its enemies: This occurrence has now rendered my services useless, discharged me of my pledge, dissolved my obligations, even those of nature, and left me at liberty, after having fought for her happiness, to seek my own; circumstances and the policies of the United States having made it impossible for me to obtain this desired end under its Government, I am resolved to seek it in Spain.His activities, at various times after 1790, were the subject of more than one formal inquiry, including a court-martial in 1811. On Christmas Day of that year, the court-martial found him not guilty. During the War of 1812 Wilkinson was relieved of his command and ordered to Washington.Wilkinson had renewed his secret alliance with the Spanish government (through the Governor of Louisiana Francisco Luis Héctor de Carondelet), alerting them to the actions of both the US and the French occupancy in North America. When Spanish couriers were intercepted carrying Wilkinsons payments from the Spanish, Waynes suspicions were confirmed and attempted to court martial Wilkinson for his treachery. However, Wayne developed a stomach ulcer and died on December 15, 1796. Despite his nearly confirmed treason, upon Waynes death, the President promoted Wilkinson to Major General of the Legion Army. ( Thomas Jefferson compiled a list with Lewis of people in Washington in order to measure their loyalty levels for safety concerns, this list is what likely ended the life of Lewis, murdered on his way to deliver information on traitors, in code, to Jefferson. Waynes Death - Wayne suffered a serious gout attack. There were no physicians at the fort so calls for doctors were rushed to Pittsburgh and the Army hospitals. As his health worsened he developed intense stomach pains. Unfortunately, the doctors only arrived on the same day as his death, December 15, 1796. He was buried in a plain coffin, his initials and date of death driven into the wood using round-headed brass tacks, at the foot of the blockhouses flagstaff on garrison hill. Wayne Link : Former US Vice-President Aaron Burr and Gen. Wilkinson in spring, 1805, met at Wilkinsonville, and likely discussed a coup that would have split the fledgling country. It would have put those troops and a large amount of what is now the southwestern U.S., into Spanish control. President Jefferson learned of the plan and closed the camp. Camp Link: History Channel Link : rightpundits/?p=10995 Even though America won the war, the forces used to replace the Original 13th Amendment remain in America to this very day, but the American people have begun to awaken to the vital importance of this legislation and continue to reveal the Title of Nobility Act and have brought it back for recognition. We The People are standing to restore everything the founding fathers fought for, the Common Law Grand Jury system is being restored across America, so we can do away with corrupted government and restore freedom to us All. Join here:
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:26:25 +0000

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