Great Article: - The Fear Factor of a Marriage - Lets not judge - TopicsExpress


Great Article: - The Fear Factor of a Marriage - Lets not judge others but support each other. Fear is the greatest impediment to growth in our lives. Very often, people are literally afraid of sharing their true feelings with their partners. This range of fear may run the gamut: the fear of divorce and its incumbent anxieties or simply the avoidance of coming to terms with a relationship that may be lacking in intimacy, passion or respect. Another poignant fear is simply the anxiety of being alone. When you stay married out of fear, the emotional paralysis that pervades further poisons the relationship. Staying together out of resignation - due to fear - results in an enigmatic dilemma. Such people wont consider divorce, and yet they are convinced that their marriage wont improve, so they dont work on the relationship. Divorce needs to be well considered, and navigating the children through this process should be undertaken with insight, reflection and empathy. Yet, very few people consider the consequences of children growing up in unhappy yet intact homes, as they witness conflicted, unloving and uncooperative parental relations. Children tend to model what they see in their parents relations. Certainly, as parents we want better for our kids. Yet, the likelihood is that such children will incline toward similar marriages. Worse still, many parents claim their kids really dont know anything is wrong with the marriage. The irony is that they will therefore normalize what may be a mediocre, disappointing or conflicted marriage. At least the kids ought to know that the marriage is indeed falling short of the mark. In that way, they can note the failure and aim higher for themselves when they come of age. Lets not claim that were protecting our children by exposing them to unhealthy relations. We need to face our fears, embrace them and choose to stay married from a healthy place of growth and hopefulness, not succumb to the deprivation of a joyless life.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 03:50:16 +0000

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