Great. Because I dont have enough heartbreak and stress going on, - TopicsExpress


Great. Because I dont have enough heartbreak and stress going on, I go out to find my new buff laced hen breathing loudly with her mouth open. Shes still moving around but very congested. NO discharge from eyes or nose though, so thats odd. I gave her a shot of duramycin immediately and shes in her own little kennel with fresh bedding, nutri drench in the water (and gave her some straight) and put VEt-rx on her nasal area and comb. Made her some scrambled eggs with brewers yeast, ground whole oats and feed mixed in but she isnt interested at the moment. It just FIGURES this would happen NOW of all times. On a side note, THIS is why we quarantine our new birds. Shes been in a coop with the other 3 new polish (slp hens and wcb roo) and theyre all 100% healthy and fine. Shes the only one who is stressed and not feeling well. Not sure whats going on, but at least I know shes been in qtine and not around my birds, which is at least one good thing. BUT I do NOT want to lose her. My biggest frustration NOW is that I have to take Beeps and Tippy to the vet and care for them, but I really want to hold and comfort my new buff girl...I know shes very stressed at losing her previous home/owners. Shes been kind of down since she got here. I just cant handle taking care of THIS MANY ill/dying/troubled animals all at once. it BLOWS. Now my poor hen is sounding worse then Ms. Beeps trying to breathe. This sucks, sucks, sucks. I hate being all alone in this. Some of my MI. friends REALLY need to move out here. I cant keep going thru all this without help. (hubby has to work and be in NYC, also he cant do bird stuff, hes too allergic.) Im mad, frustrated, stressed and just want to give up on everything at times like this. But you all know me, I wont because Im a total fkn masochist who isnt happy unless Im caring for a bunch of misfit animals. I really need to keep making changes in my life though. My heart cant take any more loss, seriously. Im so done.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 18:38:37 +0000

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