Great Discourse on blessings Thus have I heard. On one - TopicsExpress


Great Discourse on blessings Thus have I heard. On one occasion, the Sublime One was living near Sāvatthī, at Jeta’s grove in the park of Anāthapiṇḍika. Then, in the middle of the night, a certain deity of astounding beauty, lighting up the entire Jeta’s grove, approached the Sublime One. Drawing near, she paid homage to the Sublime One and stood to one side. Standing thus the deity addressed the Sublime One in verse: The Buddha’s reply: “Many deities and humans Have pondered on blessings, Desiring their well‧being. Tell me the blessing supreme.” “To associate not with the foolish, To be with the wise, To honor the worthy ones: This is a blessing supreme. “To reside in a suitable location, To have good past deeds done, To set oneself in the right direction: This is a blessing supreme. “Great learning and craft, And a discipline well-trained in, And whatever utterance is well-spoken: This is a blessing supreme. “To be well caring of mother, of father, Looking after spouse and children, To engage in a harmless occupation: This is a blessing supreme. “Selfless giving, living the just life, Supporting all relatives, And blameless action: This is a blessing supreme. “To cease and abstain from evil, Complete restraint from intoxicants, To be diligent in virtuous practices: This is a blessing supreme. “To be reverent and humble, Content and grateful, To hear the Dhamma at the right time: This is a blessing supreme. “To be patient and obedient, The seeing of recluses, To discuss the Dhamma at the right time: This is a blessing supreme. “To live austerely and purely, To see the Noble Truths, And to realize Nibbāna: This is the blessing supreme. “A mind unshaken When touched by the worldly states, Sorrowless, stainless, and secure: This is the blessing supreme. “Those who have fulfilled all these.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:18:52 +0000

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