Great Page! Friends of Mine, I would like to introduce to you all - TopicsExpress


Great Page! Friends of Mine, I would like to introduce to you all to the True Thomas Jefferson! Be sure to check them out, and Like their Page. https://facebook/ThomasJefferson1801/photos/a.424175550973239.100523.186756111381852/732319423492182/?type=1 Meme by LuAnne THE THOMAS JEFFERSON FACEBOOK PAGES MISSION STATEMENT: This is a Thomas Jefferson Facebook page. We discuss his life and the founders writings. We discuss their influences, their true intentions of the laws and documents that they created and we discuss how the founders and Jefferson would view current events which are happening in our own current time. If we would ignore current events and not confront tyranny and the destruction of our Constitution then we would be doing the biggest disservice to the founders and millions of others who sacrificed life and limb for our Republic, her documents and our freedoms. It is our duty as patriots to defend all attacks and hazards that will or would cause harm to the Republic. This page was created to combat and erase all errors and falsehoods levied against Thomas Jefferson over the past few hundred years. This page was also created to educate and inform the people of the values and core principles of Republicanism, Classical Liberalism, Freedom, the ideals of the founders, PROPER and HONEST American history and to read, protect and understand our nations documents - Frank the administrator All opinions are welcome on this page but NO personal insults, cursing or harassment will be tolerated! Thomas Jefferson was for small limited government. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were in favor of Classical Liberalism and Republicanism as Americas principle forms of government. They believed that the federal government was to remain small and to protect Americans god given rights ( The Constitution and The Bill of Rights) and power should be given to the state and local Wards to tax and create laws which suited the needs of the inhabitants of each local area. Anyone who reads his writings must come to the logical conclusion that Thomas was for small limited government, other pages labeled with his name are distorting the facts and his quotes and saying he would be in favor of socialism and the Modern day liberal agenda, he would have not been in favor of either, this page was created to help restore his image and reinstate the truth. Thomas Jefferson was a philosopher in the school of Classical liberalism NOT modern day Liberalism. Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government, liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets. Modern day Liberalism is for big government and government control of individual rights. Thomas Jefferson WAS AND IS NOT A MODERN DAY LIBERAL. Modern Liberals are big government statists and think more government will solve all of societies Ills. Republicanism is the ideology embraced by members of a republic -- a form of government in which leaders are elected for a specific period by the preponderance of the citizenry, and laws are passed by leaders for the benefit of the entire republic, rather than a select aristocracy. In an ideal republic, leaders are selected from among the working citizenry, serve the republic for a defined period, then return to their work, never to serve again. Republicanism stresses several key concepts; notably, the importance of civic virtue, the benefits of universal political participation, the dangers of corruption, the need for separate powers and a healthy reverence for the rule of law. Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. The philosophy emerged as a response to the Industrial Revolution and urbanization in the 19th century in Europe and the United States.[1] It advocates civil liberties with a limited government under the rule of law, private property, and belief in laissez-faire economic policy.[2][3][4] Classical liberalism is built on ideas that had already arisen by the end of the 18th century, such as selected ideas of Adam Smith, John Locke, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo. It drew on a psychological understanding of individual liberty, the contradictory theories of natural law and utilitarianism, and a belief in progress.[5] Both modern American conservatism and social liberalism split from Classical Liberalism in the early 20th century. At that time conservatives adopted the Classic Liberal beliefs in protecting economic civil liberties. Conversely social liberals adopted the Classical Liberal belief in defending social civil liberties. Neither ideology adopted the pure Classical Liberal belief that government exists to protect both social & economic civil liberties. Conservatism shares an ideological agreement on limited government in the area of preventing government restriction against economic civil liberties as embodied in the ability of people to sell their goods, services or labor to anyone they choose free from restriction except in rare cases where societys general welfare is at stake.[6] One example of classic liberalisms beliefs regarding the role of government is found in Thomas Hobbess theory that government was created by individuals to protect themselves from one another. Laissez-faire - is an economic environment in which transactions between private parties are free from government restrictions, tariffs, and subsidies, with only enough regulations to protect property rights. The phrase laissez-faire is French and literally means let [them] do, but it broadly implies let it be, let them do as they will, or leave it alone.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:05:51 +0000

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