Great Praises To THE KING ! ! ! Thank GOD for infirmities, - TopicsExpress


Great Praises To THE KING ! ! ! Thank GOD for infirmities, sickness, weakness, weariness, and exhaustion. These are precious ministry tools to reveal GODS directions and plans for our lives! Yes, I am sick and spent. When I returned from The Philippines I had the crud and kept it for three weeks. I thought it was gone but after returning from Guatemala it returned with a vengeance. I went to the doctor yesterday and he put me back on 4 different medications. Im better this morning but there are a few things I need to say. These, few things involve my lack of sensitivity to GOD. I love HIM and want to be obedient to HIS will. I must have HIS, OK in all that I do. Yes, Im tired, spent, and exhausted. I am fully aware that when this occurs, a man such as I, whose heart is so weak, my resistance capacity is extremely limited: thus I am very susceptible to sickness. Ive been evaluating things a bit. In the last 9 weeks, I have been home only 12 days! What! Yep, thats right. I love GOD, I love people, I love serving others. Its in my heart; I just truly enjoy doing that which GOD has called me to do. However, I must choose to listen to HIM more carefully. Now, it is rather easy for me to conclude this now. These next few months are usually slack for Evangelists so its easy for me to say I wont take too many engagements. I must be sensitive to GOD at all times. I have a dear friend and comrade, Bro. Coleman Smith, who rebukes me firmly, at times, about my scheduling to much. He is firm, unwavering, and pointed. I need this and thank GOD for him. My family is also aware of my over-scheduling and they will tell me but my Listening Ears are sometimes, dull of hearing. Ive been out of the country on 4 different assignments in the last two months. While preaching last week at The Pastors Conference in Guatemala I preached about The Apostle Paul on the Damascus road. When GOD spoke Paul asked, ...what do you want me to do? Now, I must, Practice What I Preach, and ask GOD, ...what do you want me to do? And this whole issue will be settled. Right? So, Im asking all of you to please pray that I will be sensitive to my HEAVENLY FATHER. I truly want to obey HIM. Thank you for caring and praying. We love you !
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 15:28:15 +0000

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