Great Spark Love David So this is the story: Last January 3rd, - TopicsExpress


Great Spark Love David So this is the story: Last January 3rd, about 6pm a fellow resident of our small Nebraska town was coming home from work and saw 3 kids standing in the street without any shoes or coats on; she looks towards their house and sees it is engulfed in flames. The oldest, a daughter, was on the phone with 911 but it was already too late. She said her dad was on the way home from work and was racing to get there. So this lady put the 3 kids in her warm car and went to her house to get coats, gloves, shoes....anything she could think of....then took them to the main street eatery to get them something to eat and wait for their dad. The house was a total loss. Two days later, after seeing many posts on Facebook from fellow Eagle residents, a woman named Arin Brinson made a single post: It seems everyone has thing to give this family, but has anyone stepped up to take control of this situation? Within an hour, she had gotten over 30 comments and decided she would handle it...and everyone agreed. That was late Saturday night. She was contacted by a lifelong resident of Eagle, GeorgeAnn, who asked if she could ask around church Sunday morning about donations; so it was agreed upon. Arin was able to speak with the oldest daughter on Sunday and found out that they only had Sunday night in the hotel, that The Red Cross can only give 3 night vouchers out. While working that Sunday afternoon, Arin began to plan a fundraiser and donation drive for the family; then GeorgeAnn walked in and handed her $350 in cash that had been collected from church. Arin called the familys hotel and was able to work out a deal for them to stay longer and delivered the cash to the father, Scott. Arin used her resources from around her hometown and secured the community center for a fundraiser and donation drive for the family; had people volunteering to help, hundreds of emails about items people from other towns wanted to donate, and the capital citys newspaper, Lincoln Journal Star, asked for an interview....which worked perfectly to get the word out. They also interviewed Scott and his kids; some people were harsh on why he wasnt home at the time (he was a single parent who had to work and was half way home) and it was his fault he didnt have renters insurance (they had only been there for a month). Arin created a Facebook page under Zierenberg Family Fundraiser to get the word out and keep the public updated; and it worked like a charm! After a few more days, Arin was able to meet up with Scott....they made a list of what exactly they needed, sizes for clothes for the kids and Arin went over every confirmed detail of the donation she posted on Facebook that day, she was by far a richer person after meeting Scott...and Im not talking money! So on January 12, at 10am the doors opened to the community center...which had already been invaded! Arin had spoke with a local moving company and the donated the use of a truck and 2 employees, and they were on stand-by. Table after table after table begin to fill up, so fast Scott and the kids couldnt go through it fast enough (anything they didnt want/need was being donated to a local womens abuse facility). The free will cash jar had to be emptied twice. And a TV news station showed up unexpectedly and interviewed Arin and Scott...the segment was later aired at 6pm and 10pm that night. By 2pm, it was time to shut down, so the doors closed. The building was an unbelievable site to see, packed to gills. The moving guys loaded up all large items and made a trip to Lincoln, about 15 minutes the west of Eagle (also our capital city) and got it dropped off to the new rental home that was also donated to the family for 6 months; then finally 2 trips later, the new house was packed and the other donations dropped off. In a matter of one week, this family went from losing every single thing they owned to having a fully stocked house....with the thanks of Arin, who stepped up when no one else did. The donation accomplished to gather enough clothes for each member of the family, furnishings for the new home, kitchen supplies, towels and bed sheets and over $1,000 in cash...all in a matter of 4 hours. Scott and his kids are still in the same house, fully insured now, and moving on. Scott frequently tells them that they have to hell and back over the years and this is the best theyve ever had, so be grateful. Arin still talks to and hangs out with the kids...they celebrated her birthday a few days after the donation drive by taking her to play laser tag, her first time. Arin took the oldest to a funeral of a classmate that died in a car accident....and neither child had been to a funeral before. All of their lives have been changed one way or another. I know see Arin struggling herself...a month after the drive, she lost her job of 5 years. And has worked here and there since. Her bills are piling up, her car was in an accident that she cant pay to get fixed, her grandmother who practically raised her is declining in health and Arin takes her to appointments, etc. as she can, Arin has had spinal surgery and has trouble paying for medical care and medicine she needs to help the arthritis she now has. She helped out so generously without a second thought for this family, now shes the one that needs that little spark in life to show her there is more to life than what shes experiencing now. So my question there anyway to help Arin? Or even to let her know she can get back to where she used to be? Shes an awesome person who has been a nurse and has compassion for people and animals unlike anyone Ive ever seen. I just wish she could receive some compassion like she gives... Thanks so much!!
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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