Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with a humbled heart that we gather together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the winds of summer that brings warmth as it clears out the stagnant air and resupplies with the good. We thank you for the waters that cool us during the day and replenishes us. We thank you for the soaring of eagles as they soar above the storms. We thank you for the rains that have provided water to thirsty lands. We thank you for those that have planted the seeds in the Spring to bring about a harvest by the Autumn months. We thank you for the snowcapped mountains that bring us the rushing waters to hydrate our bodies. We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing. We thank you for the visions and dreams sent to your children when their importance are necessary for us and others. We thank you for the mysteries of life and the challenge to understand them. We ask for an end to the turmoil that surrounds us. We ask for your healing hands be placed upon those that are suffering through disease, disorders and ailments. We ask for a bountiful harvest to provide food for the hungry. For the low in spirit, we ask for comfort and guidance. We ask for forgiveness when we have strayed from our path. We ask for patience when we begin to feel too anxious and start to act before we think. We ask for an end to the hatred and misunderstandings that divide your people. We ask for protection, strength and guidance for those that stand against those that would further destroy more of your creation. We ask for a time of peace, tranquility and greater understanding toward all things. We ask for an end to the abuse and violence against our women and children. We ask for hardened hearts to soften; blind eyes to see; and closed minds to open so we may begin to bring unity among the four colors across the four corners. We ask for greater compassion toward the poor and the homeless. Where there are closed doors of opportunity, we ask for their opening. We ask for a change in mindsets so all may begin to see the destruction we have caused and the guidance to change. We ask for clarity and greater understanding of our paths when we become confused and disoriented in life. We ask for your guidance each day in order to make changes in a world of disorder, violence and imbalance. We thank you for our many trials that strengthen our spirit. We thank you for the support we receive from family and friends during our journey. We thank you for the Elders that teach us the importance of the environment and of humility. We thank you for our children that continue to remind us of innocence and lessons long forgotten. We thank you for the music found in the winds and waters that soothe our restless spirit. We thank you for the gift of life and the many blessings you have given us. We thank you for the many trials we endure in order to strengthen us and to provide understanding. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-legges, swimmers, fliers and crawlers throughout the four corners. We thank you for our guides that assist and protect us during our life. Emenv
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 06:32:43 +0000

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