Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with humbled hearts that we gather together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the rising of Grandfather Sun each morning bringing warmth and the lighting of our paths. We thank you for the mists that float down from above to envelope the valleys below. We thank you for the clouds that bring moisture to the lands of need. We thank you for the early morning dew dripping from the plants. We thank you for the rushing waters from snow-capped mountains to the lakes and oceans. We thank you for the wisdom of the trees and the music found in the winds. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers. We thank you for the food we receive each day and ask for its blessing. We ask for the healing of our spirits when we are low, and for our bodies when we are ailing from diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for your hands to guide those of surgeons as they operate on those in operating rooms. We ask for an end to the suffering of those that face violence and abuse. We ask for freedom for those that have been incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. We are weary, Father, of the violence that surrounds us. We ask for an end to the carnage being brought across the great waters. We ask for your divine intervention toward government officials that wish to bring further violence toward other nations. We ask for a time of reflection so they may take the time to stop the mayhem. We ask for a change of mindsets that have been clouded over the years. We ask for hardened hearts to soften, closed eyes to see and clogged ears to hear. We ask for the veils of secrecy to finally lift for all to see. We ask for judgment against those that bring destruction and division to your people. We ask for a time where we are able to return to the old ways and to be the caretakers we were meant to be. We ask for protection of our animals and their habitats. We ask for strength, guidance and courage to stand for the defenseless, as well as those that would further destroy what you have created. We ask for an end to modern-day slavery and the return of our children. We ask for an era of peace and tranquility, where all are truly equal with no one person being more powerful than the next. We ask for an end to the stereotyping, discrimination and racism that divides us from our Brothers. We ask for a cure for all addictions. We thank you for the precious gift of life and the blessings you have bestowed upon us. We thank you for the many plants and herbs that serve to both nourish and cure us. We thank you for our Elders that educate us on wisdom of the ancestors and the lessons of the present. We thank you for our children that remind us of the lessons and innocence of our youth. We thank you for the music of the fliers and crawlers under the shadow of night. We thank you for Grandmother Moon as she watches over us each night. We thank you for Father Sky as he protects us each day. We thank you for Mother Earth that provides us with all we need to survive. Emenv
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:20:54 +0000

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