Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with humbled hearts that we gather together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the beautifully complexity of your creation that surrounds us, from the vast expanse of the mysterious Universe to the tiniest grain of sand upon the ocean floor. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers. We thank you for the songs of the fliers and the grasshoppers during the day and the chorus of crickets at nightfall. We thank you for the sacredness of the ground we tread upon, for it holds the history and the blood of our ancestors. We thank you for the knowledge that not all of your creation can be seen with our eyes. We thank you for our daily food and humbly ask for its blessing. We thank you for the waters that hydrate our aging bodies. We thank you for the rainforests that give us the air to breathe. We have become lazy and apathetic to our paths, Father, and ask for forgiveness. May we become as the ant and the bee and work tirelessly to accomplish our assigned tasks. We ask for guidance and strength as we prepare ourselves for the arduous tasks that lie ahead. We ask for your strength, guidance and grace be given to those that continue to stand against those that would further destroy what you have created. We ask for a time of reflection to understand where we have been to which direction we wish to head. We ask for the lifting of spirits for those that are depressed or have lost their way. For those facing operations, we ask that your hands guide those of the surgeons. We ask for great healing, both physically and spiritually throughout the four corners for those suffering from diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for comfort for the family and loved ones of those that have started their walk. For those that are journeying toward their ancestors, we ask for guidance, strength and comfort be afforded them. We ask for the release of our Brother Leonard Peltier and all that have been imprisoned for crimes they did not commit, and ask that judgment be given to those that have wrongly incarcerated them. We ask for the return of our children from across the great waters and an end to the hostilities and wars that serve to feed greed and destroy lives. We ask for protection and the return of our women and children that have been abducted and remain in grave danger. We also ask for the protection of our Brothers the Wolf, Bear, Buffalo and Horse. May our spirits become strong throughout the four corners and we at last become united as one to bring balance back to an unbalanced world. We ask for an end to those that continue to place pollutants into the air through factories, smog and chemtrails. We ask for an end to those that continue to mine, drill and frak, causing deep scarring in Mother Earth. We ask for an end to those that wantonly place pollutants into the waters through their waste and litter. We thank you for the coolness of the morning and evening air. We thank you for the sacred circles found throughout your creation. We thank you for the many lessons given by our Elders and the wisdom that strengthen our hearts. We thank you for our children that will light the Eighth fire and bring the prophesy of our ancestors into fruition. We thank you for the many gifts and blessings that you have bestowed upon us. We thank you for the precious gift of life. We thank you for your forgiveness when we have disobeyed you or have strayed from our path. We thank you for the peace and serenity of nature when we are able to break away from the world and re-center our spirit. We thank you for the many herbs that serve to cure all of our ailments and diseases. Emenv
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 05:47:17 +0000

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