Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with a humbled heart that we gather together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the many gifts and blessings that you have bestowed upon your children. May we use them for the betterment of all. We thank the spirits of the plants and meats that provide us with the nutrition we need each day, and ask for your blessing. We thank the spirit of the winds, waters, trees, land and rocks. We thank you for our trials that help to strengthen our spirits. We thank you for your forgiveness when we have strayed from our path and have caused disappointment. We thank you for our Elders and the life lessons they have given us to assist us on our journey. May we honor them with the respect they deserve. We thank you for our children that will take these lessons and build upon the unbreakable foundation this generation will leave them. We ask for continued healing for those afflicted with diverse diseases and disorders. For those undergoing surgery, we ask for your guiding hands to be placed on the surgeons during their operations. We ask for protection for those that are suffering through domestic violence and abuse. For those that have lost loved ones, we ask for comfort to be granted. We ask for guidance, strength and courage for those that have crossed over into the Spirit World and their next phase of life. We ask for an ease of tensions and divisions that separate us from our Brothers. We ask for protection for our animal brothers the wolf, bear, horse, buffalo, whale and dolphin. We ask for greater understanding that all life is precious and that all life is sacred. We ask for an end to environmental abuse and destruction. May we strive to replace all that has been taken from our Earth Mother. We ask for greater awareness and compassion toward the homeless and the poor. We ask for open doors to those that are seeking work during these years of declining economies. We ask for an end to the materialistic desires that control us. We ask for a time of true equality where no one is more powerful than the next. We ask for an era of peace and tranquility where all four colors are able to unite for the common good. We ask for a greater spiritual awakening during this time of purification so we may begin the arduous task for restoring balance to ourselves, Mother Earth and strengthening the spirit that dwells in all things. We thank you for the early morning mists as it floats down from above. We thank you for the spirits of all living things. We thank you for the morning breeze that touch our cheeks and brings a sense of peace to our spirit. We thank you for the wisdom that can be found in nature that will find its way into our hearts. We thank you for our ancestors that continue to watch over us from the Spirit World. We thank you for all answered and unanswered prayers. We thank you for the guidance you provide as we begin a new day. Emenv
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 06:25:18 +0000

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