Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with humbled hearts that we unite together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the sacred circles found throughout your creation; from the outer expanse of the Universe to life cycles and the nests in the trees. We thank you for the rising of Grandfather Sun each morning as he begins to light our paths and provide sunlight to the plants. We thank you for the clouds that bring the rains to areas of need. We thank you for the rushing waters that flow from the mountaintops to hydrate our bodies. We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing. We thank you for the rain forests as they supply us with the air to breathe. We ask for continued healing for those that are suffering from diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for closed eyes to open so they may see the destruction that is being caused. We are a weary people, Father, of the hatred, greed, lust of power that permeates from the wealthy and the governments of all nations. We have done little to change this and ask for your forgiveness and your guidance, so we may live a life of peace and true equality. We ask for a greater unity among your people so we may begin the arduous task of repairing what we have nearly destroyed. You have guided this generation to building a firm foundation for the next to build upon, and we ask for your strength and further guidance to accomplish this for them. We ask for strength, guidance and courage to stand against those that would further destroy what you have created. We ask for strength when we become surrounded by those that know only negativity in life. We ask for a time of repose where we can clear our minds and bring back the fire of our spirit. We ask for comfort and guidance also for those that have lost their way. We ask for signs to be given to those that do not believe you exist. We ask for blessings for those that have great faith in you. We ask for freedom for all those that have been imprisoned with false accusations, as well as for those that have found themselves in modern day slavery. We ask for greater compassion to be shown toward the poor and the homeless across the four corners during this time of great turmoil. We ask for an end to the hatred and stereotyping that continues to divide your people. We ask for healing for those that have endured violence and abuse in their lives. We ask for protection for those that continue to endure these horrendous acts. We ask for your forgiveness, for we have polluted the waters, air and land; mined deep into our Earth Mother; scarred the lands through fracking and agriculture; drilled into the oceans in order to feed our greed. We thank you for our Elders and the lessons they have given. May we continue to honor them with the deepest respect. We thank you for our children that will one day take over and lead your people. We thank you for your many blessings and gifts that you have bestowed upon your children. We thank you for all answered and unanswered prayers. We thank you for the precious gift of life and the reminder that all life is sacred. We thank you for the knowledge that you alone sit in judgment of your own creation and you have ultimate control over all things. We thank you for our free will, though we have not made the best decisions. We thank you for our families and friends that continue to support us when we are in need. We thank you for our animal friends in nature that show us the true meaning of life and the wisdom that comes when we learn to watch and listen. Emenv
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:37:26 +0000

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