Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with humbled hearts that we come together to offer up many thanks. So often we do not take the time out of our hectic lives to really take notice of all that surrounds us. We thank you for the little things that we take for granted. For the birds of the air, animals of the lands and the swimmers of the waters, we thank you. We thank you for the plants that grow that both nourish and give cures to our ailing bodies. We thank you for the sacredness of life itself and all of the complexities of the spirit that connects us together. We thank you for the knowledge that though our bodies will eventually pass away, our spirits will move on to another phase of life. We thank you for the understanding that we all have ancestors and angels among us that help to protect and to guide us along our path. There are many that come to us concerned with upcoming operations and therapies, we would ask for your strength, compassion, and miraculous cures to aid them. For those that have lost so much hope, we ask for comfort, peace and guidance to be granted. We ask for a greater spiritual awakening throughout the four corners that will lead toward a change from the greed, materialism, lust of power and wealth that continues to lead us away from the spirit. We ask for protection, strength, guidance and conviction for those that have heard your call and are preparing to make the necessary change toward a better world. We are weary of the hostilities, wars and skirmishes and ask for an era of peace, love and understanding. We ask for protection for the bear, horse, wolf, buffalo, whale, dolphin and all creatures facing extinction from those that do not understand them. We ask for protection for the defenseless. For those that are homeless and poor, suffering from the cold winter winds, we ask for compassion that will give them the necessary heat, clothing and food. We ask for an end to the belief that we have to right to possess any part of your creation. We ask instead for greater understanding of our primary role toward nature and our surroundings. We thank you for family and friends that give us the support we need along our path. We thank you for our Elders that give us the direction and wisdom required along our journey. We thank you for our children that will soon build upon the foundation this generation has placed before them. We thank you for our animal friends that watch over us and give us the love and friendship during our daily life. We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing. We thank you for the sacredness of the soil that we tread upon, for it holds the history and the blood of our ancestors. Emenv
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:06:20 +0000

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