Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with humbled hearts that we unite together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the spirit that dwells within our hearts and the hearts of all living things. We thank you for our ancestors that are still with us in spirit and the wisdom they bring to us. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers that are with us. We thank you for the music found in the gentle winds that flow through the trees and the flowing waters. We thank you for the trials we endure in order to strengthen us and prepare us for what lies ahead. We thank you for the many answered and unanswered prayers. We ask for your healing hands to be placed upon those that are suffering from man-made and natural diseases and disorders. We ask for a greater awakening during this time so we may begin the long struggle of bringing back balance. We ask for an end to the turmoil that has kept your people divided for too long. We ask for an end to such hatred, greed, lust of power and materialism that is found in our governments and corporations that have filled the hearts of those that have become complacent and naive. We ask for freedom for those that have been abducted or taken from their homes without cause. We ask for protection for your forests, waters, plains and deserts that man has taken parts of your creation without replacing. We ask for strength, guidance and courage for those that stand against governments that do not protect the lands or the treaties they have signed. We ask for strength, protection and guidance for those of our Brothers and Sisters that are standing against those that continue to destroy your creation. We ask for an end to the monies that are used to control and enslave your people. We ask for freedom for those, like our Brother Leonard Peltier, that have been imprisoned without just cause. We ask for protection for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers that are facing grave danger. May we be of strong heart and defend all that are defenseless. We ask for guidance each day so we may travel our paths with courage, strong legs and straight eyes. We ask for more compassion to be placed upon the hearts of those that are aware of the homeless in their cities. We ask for more open doors for them so they may once again be able to live productive lives. We thank you for our Elders that show us many life lessons and wisdom to carry within us during our journey. May we always endeavor to bring great honor to them. We thank you for our children that continue to teach us innocence and lessons long forgotten. May we provide them with an unbreakable foundation from which they will build on. We thank you for our relations that interact with us during the day that strengthen our spirits. We thank you for the gift of life and the paths you have given us. We thank you for the wisdom of the heart. May we learn to listen intently before we speak and understand that there is strength in silence. Emenv
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 06:19:12 +0000

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