Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things seen and - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things seen and unseen, it is with humbled hearts that we come together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the answering of our prayers and listening when we need to let off steam. We thank you for your understanding and the knowledge that you have all things in hand. We thank you for answered prayers and the comfort given during our times of grief. We thank you for newborn colts now finding their legs and prancing about the mares. We thank you for the cubs exploring nature that surrounds them while under the watchful eye of their mother. We thank you for the sounds of play as the children swim about in pools and swimming holes. We thank you for our Elders that continue to be there to give us the lessons and wisdom we need during our journey. We thank you for our children that will begin to build upon the foundation we have laid before them. We thank you for our family and friends that support us when we are in need. We ask for great healing for those that are still suffering through many diseases and disorders. We ask for comfort for those that have lost loved ones recently. We ask for the guidance, courage, strength and perseverance to be granted to the young that will now begin to bring back balance in an unbalanced world. We ask for more spirits to be awakened in the young so they will be strong in numbers and guided by the spirit. We ask for patience when we want to act for ourselves; strength when we are weak; courage when we are afraid; and guidance when we are confused. We ask for a time when closed eyes begin to open and hardened hearts begin to soften. We ask for clarity and truth when we are continuously surrounded by darkness and deception. We ask for those that have been awakened but may be confused, to be granted truth, guidance and courage to walk their path. We ask for the release of all innocents that have been imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. We ask for peace, guidance and strength be given to dysfunctional families. We ask for an end to the forced assimilations that have been happening for too long. We ask for foster children that remain in the system to be given loving families. We ask for young men that have abandoned their children to have a change of heart, and become the men they should be. We ask for more compassion toward the homeless, poor, and widows. We ask for strength, courage, guidance and protection for those that continue to stand against those that willfully bring destruction to your creation. We ask for an era of peace and tranquility in a world of chaos and violence, where all people are learn to co-exist together without discrimination. We ask for an end to all materialism that continues to control us. We thank you for the flowing creeks, streams and rivers that find their way down the mountains to the oceans below. We thank you for the winds as they blow through the trees. We thank you for the gentle breeze as it flows through the grains of the plains. We thank you for the sacredness of the circle found in the cycles of the seasons. We thank you for the understanding that this seasonal cycle directly reflects the lives of all living things. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers. We thank you for the rock people that can be found throughout the lands. We thank you for the trees that provide us with the air to breathe; waters that provide us with hydration to our bodies; and our daily food and ask for its blessing. We thank you for your forgiving nature and your discipline when we stray. Emenv
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 05:42:10 +0000

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