Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things seen and - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things seen and unseen, it is with humbled hearts that we come together as one to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the life of the plants, from the germination of the seed to its full bloom. We thank you for the clouds that carry the moisture of the ocean to the lands it surrounds, in order to bring Mother Earths life blood to hydrate all living things. We thank you for the wisdom that we gather through the years in order to make better decisions for the present. We thank you for warmth of Grandfather Sun as he rises each morning and brings light to our paths. We thank you for the spirit given to all living things and we thank them for the sustenance of life they freely give to us. We ask for your healing hands to be placed upon those that continue to suffer through the many diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for comfort to be granted to those that have lost loved ones and their annual grieving comes during the holidays. We ask for lessons of patience when we tend to rush into things without thinking through them first. We ask for peace and equality in a world full of turmoil and destruction. We ask for an end to the violence that is found throughout the four corners. We ask for honesty, integrity and compassion to enter into the minds and actions of those that govern their people. We ask for bountiful harvests next harvesting season in order to feed the masses that are struggling to survive. We ask for an end to the lust of materialism and power that serve only to bring control over others. For those that must endure modern-day slavery, we ask for their release as well as those that have been incarcerated over crimes they did not commit.We ask for greater clarity of the truth that has been hidden for too long. We thank you for family and friends that bring us support. We thank you for those of our Elders that still teach us the ways and wisdom of the ancestors. We thank you for those that come to us for a short time in order to bring insight. We thank you for our children that remind us of lessons and innocence lost long ago. We thank you for the trials we endure in order to strengthen our spirit and prepare us for that which lies ahead. Emenv
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:24:54 +0000

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