Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, we gather - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, we gather together with humbled hearts to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the plants and herbs as they grow during this season in order to provide us with nourishment and healing. We thank you for the clouds that bring the rains to areas of need. We thank you for our ancestors that have given us wisdom and life. We thank you for prophesies given to them, so we may understand and perform the tasks you have commanded during this time. We thank you for our unique paths to bring about all that you have given us to perform. We thank you for our Elders and the instruction they pass on to us. May we honor them deepest respect. We thank you for our children that will take these instructions and wisdom into the next generation. We ask for the rains to come to all areas experiencing droughts. We ask for greater unity where there is much division. We ask for the unification of the four colors from across the four corners as prophesies have been foretold. We ask for protection for our women and children that continue to suffer from violence and abuse. We ask for protection for our animal brothers the bear, wolf, horse, buffalo, whale and dolphin as they face annihilation from those that do not understand. We ask for an end to our addictions. We ask for great healing for those that continue to suffer through diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for great spiritual healing to flow across the lands during this time of awakening and purification. We ask for the return of our children from across the great waters. We ask for the end of the corruption, lust of power and wealth, and greed to be taken from the governments of all nations. We ask instead for justice and humility to enter into the hardened hearts that have done great evil over the centuries. We ask for the release of all political prisoners that have been incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. We ask for guidance, strength and courage as we continue to stand against those that would destroy your creation. We ask for the closed eyes, hardened hearts, and clogged ears of our enemies to be relieved so they may begin to understand the evil they have wrought upon your people. We ask for those that are homeless to be granted the help they need to persevere and survive. We are weary, Great One, of the turmoil that envelopes us; for the many hostilities and wars throughout the four corners, and we ask for an era of peace where all people unite as one with no one greater than the other. We ask for an end to the single source of evil that is used to enslave and control us. We ask for your guidance in all things during this time, so we may bring balance back to this unbalanced world. We thank you for the workers that plant seeds in the soil so we may have the food necessary to survive. We thank you for the rushing waters that flow from the mountaintops to the lakes and oceans below that hydrate us. We thank you for the trees and the rain forests that give us the air to breathe. We thank you for the many gifts and blessings you have given to your children. May we bring honor to you as we use them to resurrect the environment back as it was in the beginning. We thank you for those that defend the defenseless. We thank you for your love and your forgiveness. May we strive to be better stewards than what we have been. Emenv
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 05:49:27 +0000

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