Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, we gather - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, we gather together this day with humbled hearts to offer up many thanks. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers. We thank you for the wisdom found in nature and through the many experiences we have faced along our journey. We thank you for the music found in the gentle winds and the rushing waters. We thank you for the howls of the coyotes of the desert and the wolves of the forests and mountains. We thank you for the strength shown in the soaring of the Eagle in the North and the Hawk in the South. We thank you for the gift of life and the many blessings you have bestowed upon your children. We ask for a brief pause during this time of great awakening to bring forth a purification of our spirits. We ask for those with hardened hearts to be allowed to see the destruction they have caused over the years, and their hearts be changed. We ask for an end to the division among the people and the opening of closed eyes, so they may see the deception placed upon them by their governments. We ask for all veils of secrecy to be lifted where nothing is ever again allowed to happen without the knowledge of the people. We ask for an end to the hatred that divides us from our Brothers and Sisters. We ask for an end to the greed that permeates throughout the four corners, and the lust of materialistic desires be laid waste. We ask for true equality where no one person is more powerful than the next. We ask for an end to all hostilities and wars in a world where the people are war-weary. We ask instead for an era of peace among all nations. We ask for your healing hands to be placed upon those that are suffering through physical and mental diseases and disorders. We ask for your hands to guide surgeons as they operate on those in operating rooms this day. We ask for freedom for Leonard Peltier and all other political prisoners incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. We ask for an end to modern-day slavery and the release of those that have been subjected to abuse and violence. We ask for protection for those that continue to stand against governments and corporations that would take away their culture, heritage and children in order to further destroy all that you have created. We ask for protection of our Brothers the wolf, bear, buffalo, horse, whale and dolphin and for those that are defenseless. For those that have lost loved ones, we ask for comfort be granted them. We ask for strength, courage and guidance be given to those that are now in the Spirit World. We thank you for our Elders and the lessons they teach us today, as well as the wisdom of the ancestors. May we honor them with the deepest respect. We thank you for our children that remind us of the innocence and the lessons we have long forgotten. May we continue to strengthen the foundation set forth by the seventh generation, so they may have an unbreakable foundation to build upon. We thank you for our daily food and the waters that hydrate us. We thank you for your love and your forgiveness when we stray from our path. Emenv
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 06:45:35 +0000

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