Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, we unite - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, we unite together with humbled hearts to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the creation and spirit given to all living things. We thank the diverse plants and herbs that provide us with the nourishment and cures. We thank the trees that provide us with shade, fruit and air to breathe. We thank the waters that give us our hydration and that of other living things. We thank the winds that ensures freshness as it blows across the lands and great waters. We thank the soil that allows for growth. We thank the early morning mist as it flows down and blankets Mother Earth, bringing moisture to the soil and reinvigorating life to the plants and herbs. We thank you for the morning dew dripping from the leaves and the rising of Grandfather Sun bringing warmth and light. We thank you for the fliers that perform their circle dance in the air and for the music they bring us. For the bees that come to pollinate the flowers and the honey they provide, we thank you. We thank you for the powerful lightning from the sky that ultimately provides nitrates to the soil. We thank you for the gentle winds that touch our cheeks and the wisdom of the trees. May we learn to look deep into nature and find the answers we seek. We thank you for the spirit planted within our hearts and the understanding that all living things are connected. We thank you for the foods we eat, and ask for its blessing. We thank you for the many blessings and gifts you have given us. We ask for an end to the division that prevents us from unifying as we should. We ask for a powerful, unified voice that will sweep over the four corners that will bring forth the needed rebalancing of Mother Earth. As we stand at the crossroads of technology and destruction in one direction, nature and spirituality in the other, we ask for more spirits to awaken to move forward toward balance. We ask for an end to the diverse addictions that keep us from giving our best in all of our tasks. We ask for a greater awakening of spiritual growth during these turbulent times. We ask for healing for those that are suffering both physically, mentally and emotionally. We ask for comfort for those that have lost loved ones. We ask for strength and guidance for those that have moved on into the next phase of life. We ask for strength, guidance and protection as we stand against those that continue to destroy your creation. We ask for the veils of secrecy to be lifted and an end to the greed, lust of power and wealth that permeates throughout the governments of all nations. We ask for freedom for all that remain political prisoners that have been incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. We ask for an end to the violence and abuse being suffered by our women and children. For those that have been abducted, we ask for their protection and release. We ask for a bountiful harvest for those that till the soil and provide nourishment to the multitudes. We ask for the rains to come to areas that are in need. We ask for wisdom and guidance as we continue along our paths. We ask for hardened hearts to soften, closed eyes to open, clogged ears to loosen so we can begin to understand all things. We ask for protection for those that are defenseless. We ask for a revival of cultures that have remained dormant for too long. May we bring back the ways of the ancient so we may learn once again to honor you as we should. We ask for greater compassion toward the homeless and the poor. We ask for an end to the lust of materialistic desires that remove the focus from you to ourselves. We ask for an end to wars and hostilities, and request an era of peace in a world that is being torn apart by those that have fed the bad wolf for too long. We ask for forgiveness when we have displeased you and for those that side against you. May closed eyes and hardened hearts break loose from the chains that bind them. We thank you for our Elders and the wisdom and instruction they give us. We thank you for our children that will carry these on to the next generation. We thank you for Grandmother Moon as she protects us during our slumber. We thank you for the wisdom and spirit that dwells in our hearts. We thank you for the soaring of eagles as they remind us how to live life. We thank you for all of our relations that bring us insight and lessons we need. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers that inhabit Mother Earth. We thank you for your love, patience and forgiveness. Emenv
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 07:03:23 +0000

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