Great TV Show... but that speech is even better... America can be - TopicsExpress


Great TV Show... but that speech is even better... America can be and should be the greatest country in the world. But we are no longer as great as we once were. It is because of the political correctness world, because of the ignorance in the not only the leaders but the uninformed voter. Because we dont stand for the morals we once did, we dont set goals and reach them. Because the lack of personal dreams and ambitions to achieve those dreams. Because we dont try to help lift those who have falling, instead we do beat them down. Because we rather live off those who are reaching their dreams instead of going after our own and being in charge of our own destiny as our ancestors did when they came to American to make a better life for themselves and their families. Because we have political leaders who would rather give money to those who dont want to work rather that do the hard thing, the right thing and encourage all Americans new and old to set a goal and reach it. Instead we have a Federal Government who stops the American Dream with regulations and restrictions so great that the American Dream is harder to achieve. We dont stand up for ourselves let alone other fellow Americans. The people of this nation once started a war against the tyrannical government because they taxed our tea and put their boot against our necks. Yet today we allow our tyrannical government to take our money and give it to others, allow the government to tell us what we can and can not do. The people of this nation at one time would never allow for the government to do what it is doing.... destroying the dream, allowing the invasion of this nation in order to gain votes for their party. It is time for us the American people to stand for our once great nation and return it to the glory it once was. A glory when we prospered, we built, we reached and achieved, when our allies relied on our leadership and our enemies feared it. America can be and must be the greatest nation in the world, But unless we the people stand up for it and make it happen and save this great nation... it will be lost to the liberal agenda, our freedoms and liberties will slowly go away. Our children and grandchildren will not know what it is like to be part of such a great nation. STAND FOR AMERICA and dont let them take her away. - Brian Rust, July 30, 2014
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:29:20 +0000

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