Great comment in this post: I was an illegal immigrant 30 yrs - TopicsExpress


Great comment in this post: I was an illegal immigrant 30 yrs ago. My parents left my birth country of Nicaragua to seek a better life for me, their 14 month old baby. My parents were not poor, they had a good life. They both worked at a bank, had a home and a fulltime nanny for me. But the situation in the country was worsening. Communism ran the country, food was rationed and civil war had broken out. My 15 yr old uncle was picked up from school and was forced to fight in the front lines without any training or permission from his parents. He was just taken without notice. This put a huge fear in my parents and they decided enough was enough. They had to look for a better life, for themselves and for my future. So they decided to head to the land of freedom and opportunity, America! They traveled by land from Nicaragua to Tijuana, Mexico. They were lied to, robbed, left behind and beaten. But hope kept their dream Alive. Their long hard journey was almost ruined while crossing a river in the middle of the night by the border patrol, once a again I remind you while carrying a 14 month baby. But they made it across and found their way. Once here they applied as political refugees and were given amnesty. In a few years they became US residents and after a decade became US citizens. My parents have always been hardworkers and have never fed off the system. Never had food stamps always had jobs, paid their taxes and law abiding. Both are still hardworkers till this day, one as a pharmacist the other is an accountant. Ive worked since I was 16 yrs old and never once applied for unemployment. They came here with a dream and they are living their dream. They learned the language and are a productive part of our American society. The parents sending these kids only want what any parent would want, what my patents wanted for me. A BETTER LIFE than what they knew. And the US preaches that daily, that life here is better. Isnt that what the pilgrims wanted? Isnt that what the original colonies wanted? What the founding fathers of this nation wanted? To be free from their oppresors. We are ONE nation made from many. We all had the dream of a better life. Your parents and their parents wanted the same for you. So why is it that now that we have that better life we should deny that to others. We are all human in the end. These kids should be given a chance instead of being thrown back into the hell they come from.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 03:06:08 +0000

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