Great idea. Acts of kindness. Pay it forward! THE 12 GIFTS OF - TopicsExpress


Great idea. Acts of kindness. Pay it forward! THE 12 GIFTS OF CHRISTMAS: DAY 12: (DECEMBER 13)-- Buy food for a homeless person (or someone in need). This does not have to be expensive. $5 should cover lunch. DAY 11: (DECEMBER 14)-- Write a kind, hand-written letter to someone that changed your life for the better. And no, Im not talking about an email or a text...Im talking about snail mail people. ;) (This can be to a childhood friend, a teacher from the past, or even an old baby-sitter that impacted your life for the better.) DAY 10: (DECEMBER 15)-- Pay for the persons order in line behind you in either the coffee drive-thru, fast food, a tollbooth, train ticket, etc. (There are a LOT of options here...) DAY 9: (DECEMBER 16)-- Put grocery carts away in a random parking lot for other shoppers or find carts that others have left behind. It will help the employees out by bringing them indoors where they belong. DAY 8: (DECEMBER 17)-- Write a letter of thanks to the armed forces. (Yes, even if you dont support the war. Remember that these people are risking their lives daily in order to ensure our safety and Freedom). Here is the address: A Million Thanks 17853 Santiago Blvd. #107-355 Villa Park, CA 92861 DAY 7: (DECEMBER 18)-- Buy or bake something for a neighbor. You may know them well, you may have never even introduced yourself. So heres your chance;) DAY 6: (DECEMBER 19)-- Buy a $5 or $10 gift card for a grocery store, gas station, coffee place, etc. Leave the gift card on a random park bench or windshield of someones car. DAY 5: (DECEMBER 20)-- Do something kind for the elderly. This can be anything from helping them to their car with heavy groceries, holding the door open for them, volunteering at a retirement home, or even raking their leaves. DAY 4: (DECEMBER 21)-- Tape quarters to a vending machine. So simple, yet so convenient! I honestly cannot count how many times I have wanted a snack or a soda, but could not dig up that last quarter to satisfy my craving. DAY 3: (DECEMBER 22)-- Leave a generous tip for a server, barista, or bartender--along with a nice note. This will most likely make their night. Having been in all three of these positions, I know how easy it is to get discouraged when guests are difficult and do not tip. This could turn their entire day around! DAY 2: (DECEMBER 23)-- Purchase a gift card at a local grocery store (of any amount). Turn around in line, and hand it to the first person you see. Then walk away. No explanation is needed. Im sure their expression will say it all. Day 1: (DECEMBER 24)-- YOUR turn to choose a random act of kindness. I thought it would be fun to see the different ideas everybody comes up with for this last day before Christmas. Be creative. The sky is the limit. =) *So thats it. I hope these ideas will inspire you to get out there and participate. Think of how many lives we have the potential to change by doing one random act of kindness a day for 12 days straight. I cant even imagine how many people will be impacted by our selfless actions.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 02:57:39 +0000

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