Great insight on 8th Bhava By Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha - TopicsExpress


Great insight on 8th Bhava By Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vimshottari Periods of the L-8 may bring sudden and catastrophic changes of form: destruction of outdated identities, contact with the conditions of death, emergence of new levels of vitality, revitalization, and the blossoming of the seeds of rebirth. Randhra Bhava is a swabhava of Mangala, co-ruled by Ketu. bhava-8 and the lord of Randhra indicate ones capacity for energetic, vital rejuvenation and rebirth. In order to keep moving forward in life, one must periodically undergo cycles of radical (at the root) destruction of some attribute of the birth identity, followed by a reconstitution of the identity in a new form. Throughout many cycles of destruction and rebirth within a lifetime and across the samsaric path of lifetimes, the soul identity remains exactly the same. What changes is the external container: fleshly appearance, marital and professional status, family attachments, capital wealth, and understanding of truth. If the L-8 = strong, periods of L-8may generate an extremely volatile mood, during which one willingly enters dangerous situations, intending to make radical changes. The danger may be social, mental, spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, or other - according to the L-8characteristics. Items specifically under threat are those which are outdated, obsolete, or those which pose an undue obstacle to spiritual development . If the L-8= Shani(for Mithuna lagna and Karkata Lagna) the approach to radical change and reinvention of the self may be more conservative and lawful; if Mangala, more vigorous and competitive; if Rahu occupies 8, the transformative style may be downright reckless. Yet whatever the self-destructive style, whether emotional and yielding (Chandra) or brilliant and dramatic (Surya) the purpose of periods of L-8 is to destroy the veils of delusion which surround the core self, so that a deeper mystery may be revealed. Rahu in 8 illicitly leaps upward into secret powers via break-in, destruction of closed containers (8),intervention, desire to obtain hidden information via illicit or poorly credentialed methods Like all things influenced by Mangala, matters of bhava-8 do frighten anti-change agent Shani. From Shanis perspective, the continuous destruction and rebuilding of randhra the aperture bhava is shockingly unstable socially, and seems to disregard all the material acquisitive human programming. However from an authentic spiritual perspective, Randhra Bhava is the great liberator, which shows a secret route out of the chronic repetition and fear-driven conformity of Shani and into the potential for New Life. Randhra stores the great mysteries of the grand cycles of life, in the form of an open secret that can be accessed by anyone who is scripted to push forward through the layers of safety and dread that Shani creates. It should be noted however that as 12th-from-9th, bhava-8 drains the life force away from orthodox religion. A tantriki is usually no friend to the pujari and the priest Tantriki work away from the temple, in secret. Rebirth, like birth, must be accomplished essentially alone. Nonetheless this dushthamsha while unsettling to fixed relationships (it indicates the forced identity changes of widowhood and divorce) provides the greatest opportunity for breakthrough knowledge in this life.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 20:10:09 +0000

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