Great leadership blog from John Maxwell. I am personally drawn - TopicsExpress


Great leadership blog from John Maxwell. I am personally drawn towards strategic leaders, I think because I am one. The very area of your calling will be the area Satan targets to to kill and to destroy you (John 10:10a). We must not forget this truth. We must not be afraid of it but we must be aware of the enemys plan and strategy. The enemy wants to contend against your healing BUT he really wants to be sure you are never walking in your God-given calling. Because the way you were uniquely created by God to reveal Christ to the world - IS one of the things he hates most. Christ in you ... in the unique way it was created to be ... is what displays and reveals Christ to the world. What area of your gifting has the enemy been targeting lately? Are you called to be a strategic leader & thinker? Are you called to be a prayer warrior and intercessor? Are you called to be a prophet? An apostle? A teacher? A pastor? Are you called to care for broken sheep, to mend the broken hearted? Are you called to take immature sheep and help to mature them and grow them up in Christ? Are you called to lead a regional prayer movement? Are you called to train people on how to hear the voice of God? Are you called to develop and mobilize marketplace leaders? God wants EVERYONE mobilized in their God-given gifting. This is how He will be glorified and known in the earth when EVERYONE is displaying Christ in their unique way they were created to do it. Everyone has a divine assignment. What has GOD told you - you are to be and to do for His glory? What is the enemy doing to target that? What is Gods strategy to bring LIFE back to that broken area of your life? Is someone (or yourself) holding yourself in a prison of un-forgiveness due to a mistake that you made? Remember - Christ died to wipe that clean! Not just for you but for others! Seek God in this season ... and allow Him to breathe life on broken areas of your life and your calling. Allow Him to resurrect what only He can resurrect! For me, I posted this blog from John Maxwell because it reminded me how I had someone speak over my life and calling ... that I was weak-minded and that I would never succeed in ministry. They said I would disappear, never to reach my potential. They are right in some way - apart from Christ, I am an utter failure. I cant do anything without Him. I think this person doesnt know my God. He says over me, Lori, if you are not dead, you are not done. Interesting how the words this person spoke out about me being weak-minded was an assault against one of my strongest gifts the Lord has given me ... and that is my strategic leadership. And not only am I a thinker .... I mobilize and empower people. Greater works will you do, than what I have done, said Jesus. That is my heart. To see the whole body of Christ empowered to be Christ in the world. Jesus, resurrect the broken areas of our lives. Take the works of death and destruction and redeem them. So you and you alone may be known and loved by others. Amen. johnmaxwell/blog/how-to-think-straight-and-concentrate
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:24:43 +0000

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