Great men and women of our party, today you have history to make, - TopicsExpress


Great men and women of our party, today you have history to make, to choose one out of several good men who have indicated desire to lead our state for the next four years, I appeal to each an every one of you who has made it to become a delegate to cast his precious vote for me as I represent that bridge between our generation and the outgoing generation, as the the most youthful of all the aspirants and yet the most ready and qualified, my stakes are high, if not the highest, as I have a burden to deliver my generation and build a bridge between this generation and the outgoing. I have a burden of delivering on the needs and aspiration of my fellow youth who form the largest chunk of our society, I have a burden to protect the elderly who look up to us the youth for care and protection at their weak moments, I have a burden to prove that, we the youth have come of age and assure the elders that, they can go into their retirement with assurance that we will not fail them, I have a point to prove that the youth of this nation given the opportunity will be able to do so many great things to the pleasure of our God and for the benefit of humanity, and not only that I believe it is time to LET THE YOUTH DO IT. Thank you and God bless as you entrust me with you vote, I pledge Insha Allah, I will not fail and you will, at the end be glad you did what you did for the benefit of humanity. Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:49:17 +0000

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