Great news for xmas! Free gas water and electricity! Transferring - TopicsExpress


Great news for xmas! Free gas water and electricity! Transferring a cheque [paying in slip, giro, bill] by endorsement in accordance with the Bills and Exchange Act 1882 and in conjunction with the Consumer Credit Act 1974 Section 123: 1. By writing “Not transferable” across it 2. Attach three stamps and sign and date each one to pay stamp-duty on that document 3. Affixed transferred endorsement sticker stating: To British Gas, for payment at the site the sum of £___. Transferred by __ __ Address __ __ __ Post Code __ __ __ National Insurance Number __ __ __ __ __ with “non-commercial customer” next to it. Signed and dated. Transfer is completed by writing “this bill is hereby transferred by my endorsement”.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 02:00:20 +0000

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