Great post from a friend who refuses to help keep the RandD partys - TopicsExpress


Great post from a friend who refuses to help keep the RandD partys self fulfilling prophecy alive. Are you voting the equal of two evils? For anyone who knows what is going on in Tallahassee you know that legislatively there is not going to be much difference between Rick Scott and Charlie Crist (other than the rhetoric). Rick Scott has been a big government governor. Charlie Crist was a big government governor. Simply looking at the budget will tell you this. Rick Scotts 2014 budget is 77 Billion Dollars. (This is the largest budget in Floridas history). Rick Scott increased spending 11 Billion while in office. Charlie Crist increased spending 4 Billion while in office. (the only reason for this was that revenues to the state were down due to the recession not that Charlie actually wanted to spend less money). Rick Scott removed a sitting sheriff because of that sheriffs support of the 2nd amendment. Rick Scott signed into law a measure that would remove the 2nd amendment rights away from returning veterans who suffer from PTSD. Charlie Crist is bad. Rick Scott is bad but in this thread I do not think that this matters. Let me tell you why you should vote for Adrian. Many of the people who stay in the GOP claim that they are there to influence the GOP toward liberty. And if you are really looking to influence Tallahassee, Adrian Wyllie is the only candidate who will give liberty influence. Let me explain. No matter who the next governor will be they will not get 50% of the vote. No way around it. They will be coming off one of the nasties elections in recent memory. This has damaged both Crist and Scott. Both of those two will work in some way with the legislature (Republican controlled) and because the governor will be weak (If it is either Scott or Crist) the legislature will have more power, Does it really matter if it is Scott or Crist in that scenario? Considering what has been coming from the legislature I would say no. Crist will not veto many of the bills (neither did Scott) coming out and will not veto any spending. Sure he is just as difficult to listen to but who cares. I care about what they do and they both will not do what I want. Every vote that Adrian gets gives liberty more influence on what the legislature does. These politicians will know that this block could cost them and election no matter who comes out on top at the end. Politicians are afraid of losing elections. And I still think that there is a chance on Adrian winning this election if the people who want to vote for him can get past their fear of the other guy (No matter if it is Rick Scott or Charlie Crist).
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:32:04 +0000

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