Great reminder that The Children of Israel never entered into the - TopicsExpress


Great reminder that The Children of Israel never entered into the Promised Land—“Rest of God”. The Rest from Their Works; However, they would have no part of it. They wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years ----dwelling in---- "Their Booths"----until most of them that started out from Egypt died in the wilderness;---- because they did NOT BELIEVE GOD. ----To the Hebrews, this Feast of Booths was to remind them that their fore fathers did not believe God, nor did they trust God nor obey God and so God did not give them the Promised Land; most of them that came out of Egypt died in the wilderness not having received the promised land. However, to Christian’s the ---“Feast of Booths”--- is to “Remind Them Also” ----“Not” ---- to be like the physical nation of Israel was. Who did not Believe God, nor Trust, nor Obeyed GOD.---- Or –“We” ---Christians ---like them--- would not--- enter into--- The Promised Land God is preparing for----“those Christians He has called and has chosen to become His Children –and redeemed from slavery to sin to enter -----“The Kingdom of God”---which is to be set up, beginning, when Christ comes back the second time.---- At that time He will begin to rule the World---- with those that He set free from Sin and from being captive to Satan during this life time. Those that are now dead and waiting for the Second Coming of Christ and the 1st resurrection from the dead. This 1st Resurrection from the dead is spoken of in the book of Revelations 20:1-7. It is a resurrection into Eternal Spirit Life --- where all those chosen by God during this lifetime are to become as Christ is now----One with The Father. As Christ was raised from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights in the grave; and now lives in and with the Invisible Father. And He (Christ) manifests Himself by way of the Spirit. If He did not we could not see Him nor would we understand who The Father is. But God tells us in 1st Timothy 6:16---Christ --- who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see (God the Father is the Unapproachable Light whom no one has seen or can see) Who manifests Himself by way of The Spirit that proceeds from The Father and is everywhere and by which Christ made everything and by which Christ upholds everything. Christ and The Father control The Spirit of Their Power, The Spirit of Truth, The Spirit of ALL gifts by which Christ and The Father work and bring things about. The Spirit does nothing of itself ---it only does and says what it is told or hears. God speaks and It performs. It only does what They tell it to do. And Christ manifests Himself to us by The Spirit that Proceeds from Them. And Christ commands the Spirit and it does what He tells it or says what He tells it to say. The same is with The Father and Christ. The Spirit of God is Their Power by which they uphold everything that is. Everything came from God as He again tells us in Colossians 1:15-20---- 15 The Son is the IMAGE of the INVISIBLE GOD, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in HIM all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through HIM and for HIM. 17 He is before all things, and in HIM all things HOLD TOGETHER. 18 And HE is the head of the body, the church; HE is the beginning and the--- First-Born” from among the dead, so that in everything HE might have the SUPREMACY. 19 For God was pleased to have all HIS FULLNESS dwell IN HIM, 20 and through HIM to reconcile to HIMSELF---- ALL THINGS, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through HIS blood, shed on the cross.” Isn’t that beautiful? -----The Son is the IMAGE of the INVISIBLE GOD.---- 1ST Timothy 6:----The Son ---Christ --- who alone is immortal---- and who lives in UNAPPROACHABLE LIGHT, WHOM NO ONE HAS SEEN OR CAN SEE. ----- Everything was made out of Gods Spirit and in Gods Spirit which is the Manifestation of God The Father ----in the form of Jesus Christ. Everything exists and stays in Existence by and through Jesus Christ in the Spirit -----as He says --- “and in HIM all things HOLD TOGETHER”.-----through His Spirit that Proceeds from Him. He is before all things, and in HIM all things HOLD TOGETHER The Spirit of God is Their Power ----it is Not a third person. It is a Spirit and proceeds from God the Father ---who is an INVISIBLE GOD ----an UNAPPROACHABLE LIGHT, WHOM NO ONE HAS SEEN OR CAN SEE.---Jesus Christ has revealed The Father to us. And Christ lives in The Father and they ARE ONE with EACH OTHER and are invisible and they are Unapproachable Light and they have a Spirit by which they do what ever they want. And They manifest Themselves Through the Spirit as Jesus Christ who does what The Father wants Him to do and say. God The Father has given everything to Christ----by which He made everything; by Whom all things have been created through HIM and for HIM ---- For God was pleased to have all HIS FULLNESS dwell IN HIM, 20 and through HIM to reconcile to HIMSELF---- ALL THINGS, I hope this will give you some food for thought. And you will come to see God more clearly and the relationship that God has with Themselves living and functioning within Their Spirit. As this is how They function within Their Creation that They made out of Themselves and Hold everything together within Themselves. By The Word speaking to Their Power The Spirit and it—The Spirit-- performing what They Speak. Neat huh? ----Shalom ----Selah----Think about this for a while.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 11:18:47 +0000

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